I originally posted in the asp.net forum and realized that this should probably be in this forum. Sorry for reposting here.
Original post - thread855-1450101
I have been away from this code for a few days. I am back working on this. I have tried a few different variations of the code below. I just can't seem to come up with a solution to only raise the change and create events once on a single file. In my searching on the web, this seems to be a common issue. I have not seen a true solution to this. Has anyone come across this.
Is there a way to check and see if a file has finished copying to a folder? It seems that when a file is copied to my watch directory, multiple events are raised during this process which triggers multiple attempts to copy my file.
Original post - thread855-1450101
I have been away from this code for a few days. I am back working on this. I have tried a few different variations of the code below. I just can't seem to come up with a solution to only raise the change and create events once on a single file. In my searching on the web, this seems to be a common issue. I have not seen a true solution to this. Has anyone come across this.
Is there a way to check and see if a file has finished copying to a folder? It seems that when a file is copied to my watch directory, multiple events are raised during this process which triggers multiple attempts to copy my file.
Public Sub StartWatcher()
Dim fwService As FileSystemWatcher
Dim gblpvFilters As String() = {"*.zip", "*.txt", "*.dat", "*.csv"}
For Each filter As String In gblpvFilters
fwService = New FileSystemWatcher()
fwService.Path = "C:\myFileWatcherTest\"
fwService.IncludeSubdirectories = True
'fwService.NotifyFilter = (NotifyFilters.LastWrite)
fwService.Filter = filter
AddHandler fwService.Changed, AddressOf MoveFile
AddHandler fwService.Created, AddressOf MoveFile
fwService.EnableRaisingEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub MoveFile(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
File.Copy(e.FullPath, "C:\move\" & e.Name, True)
End Sub