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File sharing between Win98 and XP only works one way? 1

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Jul 20, 2002
I have a home network with a WinXP (Home Edition) PC and a Win98 PC. I have configured file sharing on each (using IPX only, for extra security). The XP PC can see and read files from the Win98 PC, but the Win98 PC has intermittent ability to see the files on the XP PC. Sometimes it works, and sometimes when I click on the XP PC icon in the Win98 network neighborhood I get a message about the computer is not on the network.

Any hints?

I think using IPX for sharing is causing your problem. It also will not provide you any additional security. It is a protocol just like TCP/IP. I'd suggest you may not have the same protocol selected as default on the two machines. Why not get rid of IPX and just use TCP/IP. It is native to XP and fully supported on 98.

See the info here for further assistance.

The Old Man
I have always used IPX for file sharing on my home PCs. It is only since I got this XP PC that I have had ANY trouble.

Why not get rid of IPX? Well, I have a cable modem internet connection and my PCs are always on. Using IP for my file and print sharing, my hard drives would be open to the whole internet. Using IPX, no one could possibly access my hard drives across the internet by cracking Microsoft's notoriously weak file and print sharing security. To me, that is CONSIDERABLE additional security. And while NetBEUI support was dropped with XP, IPX is fully supported on all versions of Windows past 3.1.

Don't mean to be going off on you, but what I am looking for is some kind of XP Home Edition file sharing or networking bug. I know that the IPX works, since the XP PC can always access the Win98 PC hard drive. (And please don't suggest TCP/IP file sharing, particularly for internet-connected PCs. I know it is the default. But Microsoft is known for security like fish are known for riding bicycles...)

I'm not going to dispute your feelings about Micro$oft's networking. I happen to agree completely. If IPX works for you and it makes you feel more secure, great! I'm not sure I would feel the same. IPX is an aging protocol and had some security flaws big enough to cause major enterprises to rethink their directions and use of the protocol.

If you've got cable internet and more than one computer using it, you've either got a router, a proxy server or Internet Connection Sharing. If you've got a router, chances are it is doing NAT and has some firewall protection for incoming access. A proxy also does some level of address translation and provides a measure of incoming access restrictions. I believe ICS is the weakest of the three but still has some protection.

None provide outgoing protection.

In my setup, I've got a router doing NAT. In addition, I use Kerio Personal Firewall [free for personal use] to protect against trojans or any other rogue software from trying to get out to the internet. It allows me to use the simplest, most reliable networking [NetBIOS enabled TCP/IP] on my "always on" connection without fear of being detected. I've tested this using Steve Gibson's "Leak Test" and "Sheilds Up" and everything shows up in stealth mode. I've also changed the bindings so that any non-essentail ones are removed for security purposes.

Take a look here
In particular, check out (4) "What can I do about this" and (5) "Network Bondage".

I'm not looking to convert you. Obviously, you know what you are doing and are correct in your approach. This is just additional information for you. As for the condition you are experiencing, I would still lean more towards the IPX protocol being the culprit. Other factors you might want to check are:
[ul][li]Power Management on the XP machine[/li]
[li]User accounts and permissions on the XP machine
You need to have an account that exactly matches the account used on the W98SE machine with permissions to access the files folders on the XP machine[/li]
[li]Both machines use the same default protocol[/li][/ul]

Sorry I couldn't be more help.
The Old Man
My main point is that if I exclusively use IPX for file/print sharing, then no way can a hacker exploit that particular feature across the IP-only internet. Obviously, other vulnerabilities still exist (fortunately I have no need to run IIS on my home PCs!)

I think most enterprises drop IPX because they move from Novell to Microsoft servers, and because of RIP/SAP broadcast problems as you scale up the number of servers in a larger company. Goodness knows that IP has its share of security flaws, at least without IPSec...

Technically, there is another option to shared cable modem: some providers allow the customer to put multiple PCs and the cable modem on an old-fashioned shared hub. (Well, "allow" may not be quite accurate, the providers usually don't like it -- let's just say I've seen it work.) In my case, I also have a router/firewall. But firewalls and NAT are not foolproof.

As far as my original problem, I checked out the Windows XP forum on this board and found a number of people there were having the exact same problem that I am having, and they ARE using TCP/IP for their file/print sharing, so I still don't think it is an IPX issue.

Hopefully someone in that forum may provide some additional insight. Meanwhile, it has been a pleasure exchanging ideas with you. If we have raised anyone's awareness of the risks of always-on internet connections then perhaps we have done some small service here.

Have you disabled the firewall on the xp pc?

It's intermittent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If the firewall was the issue, it would consistently not work.

The Old Man
ok, try this. next time it doesnt work from the 98 machine, get on the xp machine and browse to the 98 machine. then try to get into the xp machine from the 98 machine. if this works, it sounds like your xp machine is shutting down the nic for power saving. in xp pro, you can disable this, but in xp home I could not find it the last time I tried. its pretty stupid if you ask me, for xp to shut down a nic to save power. Degg
Network Administrator
In XP Home the option for turning off the NIC card is under the Device properties for the NIc card. It's one of the tabs labeled Power Management. There is check box. Uncheck it and it will not turn it off to save power.
I have the same file-sharing problem with multiple XPPro vs 98SE. More details: XP->XP no problem, XP->98 no problem, 98->98 no problem, 98->XP sometimes OK, sometimes "name not found" error (XP computer is visible, but shared drive isn't).I've tried everything possible, double-checked all settings. Permission settings are OK (no influence), "Guest" account is on/off (no influence). IPX and netBUI are installed. Static IP is set on all computers. Everything else works fine. Please help...
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