File Access Denied Error is received when using FoxPro 2.6 and more than 1 user attempts to use a shared data base file. I understand why this would happen. My question is; How can I best faciltate the processing without an error occurring? The current processing is summarized below.
A command button starts a program that selects a record from one file (CLIENT.dbf). The program then finds any corresponding records in a second file (LEDGER.dbf). Additionally, a third file is searched for related records (PAYMENT.dbf), if any. A fourth file (SCREENPT.dbf) is zap and a record is appended for each set of related Client-Ledger-Payment information. Multiple records may exist in SCREENPT.dbf. (If no payment was made, a the payment amount is $0.0) A report (SCREENPT.frx.) is run to the printer. Data is grouped by LEDGER (number) and the report detail is the payment information for the ledger. If 2 people attempt to print the report at the same time an error results.
A command button starts a program that selects a record from one file (CLIENT.dbf). The program then finds any corresponding records in a second file (LEDGER.dbf). Additionally, a third file is searched for related records (PAYMENT.dbf), if any. A fourth file (SCREENPT.dbf) is zap and a record is appended for each set of related Client-Ledger-Payment information. Multiple records may exist in SCREENPT.dbf. (If no payment was made, a the payment amount is $0.0) A report (SCREENPT.frx.) is run to the printer. Data is grouped by LEDGER (number) and the report detail is the payment information for the ledger. If 2 people attempt to print the report at the same time an error results.