Hi I'm in need of advice with a setup for our campus Network. We have a school campus that is about 4 miles long. We need to install video cameras plus other devices like lighting traffic lights etc (all network based) it will be a total of 80 cameras plus about 10-15 traffic lights. One sugestion so far was to run fiber cable to every single device from our main location, what I want to recommend is create a fiber ring around the campus using Cisco Switches and fiber trunking between them with STP and then from these switches to the device we could use either fiber or ethernet. My question is what do you guys recommend I believe that installing a metal case where these switches will be installed around the campus and then loop them it will be alot cheaper than running new fiber cable to every single device. As for our main rack do I need 2 switches and start the loop from one switch around the campus and then return to the second switch on the rack and then connect these two switches together forming a complete loop is a better option? What are you recomendations and also what equipment should we use? Cost is not a limited factor we just want something that is easy to add new devices as necessary around the campus without running fiber cables from the main rack (we can connect to the closest switch around the campus) and for redundancy the fiber loop makes more sense and it seems it will be alot cheaper and easier to maintain. Again looling forward to any sugestions.