How effective is Testking to study for A+ 220-301 and 302 2003 Objectives. I have recieved from Testking a .pdf file with questions and answers explanantion study sheet. Are these going to help me pass the exam with a high score.
Testking study materials are generally considered to be braindumps and are therefore considered poor study materials. This is the reason Microsoft recently filed suit against Testking for copyright violation. The lawsuit alleges that by distributing Microsoft's actual test questions, the owners of TestKing are in violation of federal law 18 USC 1832, which protects trade secrets and intellectual property. Microsoft claims that TestKing is offering test questions that are "identical or substantially similar" to the ones found on Microsoft's copyrighted certification exams.
I always use the analogy, " Would I tell a prospective employer I used ______ as a study guide for this certification?" In this particular instance, I would say "No".
If you only want to pass the test, sure. If you want to learn the material and actually know what you are talking about then no. They are nothing more than a braindump. I don't see anything wrong with looking over them prior to the test, but using it exclusively to study will do more harm than good. Get the Sybex book and you should be good to go. They come with more than enough test questions. Also do a lookup for test questions and study material. Theres a ton of stuff out there.
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