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FAQ Request thread

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Jul 7, 2004
Here's a thread to start keeping stuff for a new faq (that I'll help write) for the partner here.
topic: board failures
...snip...It doesn't seem to be the 206 type failure. I'm sure someone can suggest a service solution.

Can someone give a list of common failure symptoms?

(separate topics inside messages this way
Yet another faq question.

please define the Partner Endeavor"
is this the system that was a self contained (1 slot) all in one system?
from another thread....
---------------*** faq Voice Mail Interface CODES ***
itpphoneguy said (on May 17, 2004)

Integrating another VM to a Partner is normally no problem if you can use "custom" strings. The vm is integrated via DTMF tones. Normally, you need more than one port to be useful. I have never heard of using a modem in this manner, just cards like dialogic, etc.

Do you know what are the dtmf send by the system?
itpphoneguy (TechnicalUser) May 17, 2004

Here you go,

Inband Templates

#00#XX## Means this call is coming directly from extension XX

#01#XX## Menas this call is coming directly from a CO line number XX.

#02#CC#EE# Means this call is coming from extension number EE which did not answer an inside call from extension CC.

#03##EE# Means this call is coming from extension number EEE, which did not answer an outside call transfered to extension EE.

#06### test code sent to the voicemail after a powerfail to see if ports are connected.

#07### test code sent to the voicemail via a different port every 30 minutes to see if the ports are still connected.

#08##EEE# re-activation code sent to the Voicemail to report that port EEEE has been tested and found restored after a previous disconnect.

#10### sent after the night service button is turned off

#11### sent after the night nervice button is turned on

---FAQ-- How to test a system station ---
How do I initiate said light test?

TouchToneTommy (said on May 18, 2004)

a) Handset on hook, press and hold the # for 5 seconds,
b) keep the # down and lift the handset off the hook.
c) The phone rings, all led's light, and the display shows all pixels.
d) Hang up the handset before you go crazy.
FAQ: New power supplies for 206 modules
GroundWire (on May 17, 2004 said:
...snip...From the sounds of it, this sounds like the exact problem that I've seem on WIRED phones..

I've seen this problem many times in older 206 modules. If you replace the power supply in the 206 module, it'll go away.

has them for $65, and it's a 10 minute job to change them out onsite.

I believe it's a defective filter capacitor that allows the "ringing" parts of the power supply to leak into the highly-sensitive "audio and talk voltage" portions of the power supply.
---FAQ-- MWI (message waiting indicator) on/off codes ---
TouchToneTommy (said on Jul 6, 2004)
Set the outcalling string to dial "#09XX" for each mailbox, which will light up the MWI's. However, they need a manual Msg Off button on each set.

MWI off: see above
FAQ -- call forwarding (explanation)

Needs more info on how to, though...

...TTT said...

...If the system phone has 4 lines assigned, line 1 rings in and is transferred to the extension, it uses line 2 to forward out (assuming that the ALS is 1-2-3-4). Then another call comes in on line 3 (cause 1 and 2 are busy), the transferred call forwards out on line 4. So you can see that if the phone only had 3 lines assigned to it, the 2nd transfer would fail; no more lines available to go out on.

SO believe it or not, this point was NOT evident to me...
faq-- partner- explanation of different systems---
Can someone more knowledgable then me please explain the differences bewteen partner models?


Partner Plus
Partner II
Partner ACS

(To me, at least), it's obvious that they are in Earlier--later order.

The reason I'm asking is because there are a bunch of features for ACS that may/may not work on (say my Partner II) system.

Explaining the capabilities is also a question.

IE, if I take my partner Plus ver 4.1, and buy a new partner II ver 4.01, (but keep all other boards and carrier) does my system then become a Partner II system?

sorry to be so low level here...

or a simple question...

is it correct to pre(ass)sume they renamed it partner ACS instead of partner III?

FAQ-- Board Revision history list)

For example:

in a 206 board you need at least a revision XX
to get caller id on your system.

please list.

NOTE: If you're reading this list, feel free to copy a section, and simply create a new thread (mark it with the lightbulb, to specify as a tip...)
and answer (here , OR there!))

I'll be doing another revision of the Partner Overview document, which includes general reference information, in the next 2 months. Please send me useful content or comments to help make the next rev more useful.
why not just add these as FAQ'S instead of posting them here

look at some of the other forums they have tons of FAQ'S

the Board ops will work with us in creating catagories

I think this is a good Idea I just think its being gone about wrong .

no need for someone to author one all enconpasing fAQ

Agreed, trying to answer a question or help in a problem is the goal. A FAQ is secondary, but useful. I'm sure we'll all get something out of this. I am normally very short of time.

jlshelton, I salute you sir! You have a very good idea. That would be very helpful indeed.
BTW, I put this thread in here to help with FAQ releated stuff.
After finally getting/reading John Shelton's great Partner guide, I want to help improve it as much as possible.

BUT there is also room for an FAQ, of how do I?? with brief answers, which is not (currently) in his document.
Also, for those who log in at 3am, a quick place to get stuff when IN panic mode is always helpful!
It shouldn't just be one great big happy FAQ, but several smaller ones on different topice. They can all be filed under the FAQ tab at the top, but should be in catagories.

How about determining what my voice mail ports are? That should take you into endless permutations of processor/expansion/voice mail card combinations!
So far the way I'd see it We'd have the following categories
A) I just got this new system, where do I start (go to the John Shelton work...)
B) Programming (non voice mail) My Partner XYZ
C) A gentle Voice Mail intro (parts from John...)
D) Interfacing Partner with non Avaya Voice Mail systems.
E) IFAQ (or the little stuff you WILL need to know at some point (infreqently asked questions)
F) FAQ's when programming a
1. (PRE ACS (II/Plus) system)
2. ACS system (with backup...)

And, just remember, lots of stuff we need is already here!
as a example of what can be done check out the norstar FAQS

I find most of my norstar questions are answered here and I dont need to post a question

and whats evan better I dont have to wait and hope somebody answers I go to the FAQ get my answer and do what I need

I often access this forum while on customer site .
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