I've got a chat system set up and it uses an ignore list. Now, rather than using two awful queries to find the ignored people by that user, and then find only the messages not written by them, can you suggest a query for the following pseudocode?
Select from chat where (no row in ignorelist where (field1 is the current username and field2 is the username of the chat message author))
The current username is a known constant. The chat message table has an author field. The ignorelist has two fields: the creator of the ignore request and the person to be ignored.
I have tried various things but either they were very slow or produced millions of rows (using distinct made it slow) or just didn't work at all.
Rob Pridham
I've got a chat system set up and it uses an ignore list. Now, rather than using two awful queries to find the ignored people by that user, and then find only the messages not written by them, can you suggest a query for the following pseudocode?
Select from chat where (no row in ignorelist where (field1 is the current username and field2 is the username of the chat message author))
The current username is a known constant. The chat message table has an author field. The ignorelist has two fields: the creator of the ignore request and the person to be ignored.
I have tried various things but either they were very slow or produced millions of rows (using distinct made it slow) or just didn't work at all.
Rob Pridham