Currently my company has 12 offices + corporate office, each has its own IP 500 (a few have 406) with local voicemail pro server. We have a night auto attendant that includes an 'On Call' option.
I am trying to figure out how to have a failover voicemail server so that if the primary goes down for whatever reason, the secondary can at least serve up the auto attendant.
The closest thing I appear able to find is the Centralized voicemail which supports a failover - but with each office having its own voicemail server the infrastructure isn't really designed for it.
Is there any way to do this other than the centralized? Is there any way to have a "centralized" VM Server point initially to the local VM?
I am trying to figure out how to have a failover voicemail server so that if the primary goes down for whatever reason, the secondary can at least serve up the auto attendant.
The closest thing I appear able to find is the Centralized voicemail which supports a failover - but with each office having its own voicemail server the infrastructure isn't really designed for it.
Is there any way to do this other than the centralized? Is there any way to have a "centralized" VM Server point initially to the local VM?