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Failing Blues

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Sep 8, 2005
Well have taken the 70-290 twice now and am suprised everytime by how I feel I am ready and have studied and done the hands on I need... yet I cannot pass this test...I have never been good at tests mind you but this is really getting to be a downer. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions I can use to help me in the test taking process? What upsets me is I know if I got a job doing this hands on it would be fine but when it comes to tests it just doesnt seem to be good. Thank you for any help or suggestions you can give me.

Matthew 6:25-34 Have a blessed day :)
My first question would be what aspects are you studying? When you study how do you focus on a topic?

The new exams from MS go a lot further towards testing the ability to understand and link multiple concepts. The old exams never did this. They were much more of a tick and flick affair.

I found that 290 and 291 were not trying to determine just whether or not you can perform a task. They are also trying to determine if you understand the underlying concepts.

The tests are not only about configuring a server in a particular way. They are also about why you configure it in that fashion and how the underlying technologies work.

When studying for an exam I make sure that I cover off all these areas for a particular topic in this order:

1. Do I understand the underlying technology? For example with DHCP I captured traffic when making changes to the server so I could see what happens at a packet level.

2. Why am I using this particular option in this instance? This one is crucial. It is not enough to know an option exists you must know when and why it is to be used. Using the DHCP example again you could ask why would I not configure the 003 Router option at the Server level. Why does this have to be at the scope level? The question is not just asking if you know about DHCP scope options. It is assessing your knowledge of IP networking.

3. How do I configure the server to complete the task. This is the easiest part IMO. Now that I fully understand the underlying technologies (DHCP, Routing etc) how do I make a 2003 server do what I need.

The big advantage with this approach is that the underlying technologies are not Windows specific. They are usually industry standards that are implemented in a range of OS's. If you understand the underlying concepts and technologies you can then apply the principles to any OS. Only the implementation varies.

Thank you for your feedback I will try and take a different approach....I guess my problem was with most of it that they would like you to answer how microsoft would solve the issue and not necessarily how you would in the real world...also I remember one question asking about VB script and I dont remember talking about that in any of the classes I took for my mcsa courses...oh well I press on and I will try to retake this hopefully the last time in two weeks..tks for your help 4x4 :)

Matthew 6:25-34 Have a blessed day :)
I feel your pain...I took the XML Web Services and Server Components exam initially and got 650 on it (passing is 700). I month later I took it again. Guess what my score was?


So now I've bought a better study guide and I'm going to be darn sure I'm ready before taking it again. But to know that I was so close TWICE doesn't do much for the ego.

Keep at it, you'll get it!

What areas does the test result sheet say you're weakest on? About the VB thing - we were warned we may have a question or two about scripts that need amending etc., personally I chose not to revise this as I already had enough to worry about - I got the question on it and jsut guessed and moved on. Managed to pass in the end so my advice would be don't worry about learning a whole new thing like VB scripting at this stage, focus on the other stuff you'll already have some understanding of.

What materials are you using to study? I found that the MS Press book covered most (but not all) of the material covered on the exam and the Readiness Review CD gives one an excellent idea of the type of questions you'll encounter on the actual exam.

I don't think that the Readiness Review CD covers any of the simulations, but from what I understand, they're not too difficult if you know the material.

A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA: Security 2003
Well don't feel to bad I got a 652 on my test the second time and it just about blow my ego out the windows. I have been focusing on all of the weak areas mentioned by the test. I have been working in the field for quiet sometime and this exam has humbled me. I was told add the Mastering 2003 server book by Sybex for the 70-290 and the mastering 2003 Active Directoy to my regiment to sharpen my skills. As of this week I feel really comfortable about taking this exam the third time. Guys I read a qoute on and end user desk and it states" victory is not measured by the triumph but by the struggle getting there".

Am out and will post next week with my result.
I wouldn't worry, I failed the exam three times before I passed, I thought on each occasion that I knew enough but obviously I didn't. I narrowed it down to not using the right training material tho (I had been using the MS MOC books rather than the MS Press Test Prep books). As soon as I started reading them (focus on the areas that you are weakest on, don't understand or failed on) I did a lot better. Each time I took the test for the times I failed I always failed by 1 or 2 questions only, very demoralising especially as I was doing more than those exams at the time.

Eventually I passed that and the rest of my MCSE2003 exams and looking back I can say it made me study harder for the other exams (my 70-270 exam was a walk and I think that made me complacent.. I didn't even have to read the book to pass the exam).

Don't be too down hearted, it will happen as long as you put the work in.


The real world is not about exam scores, it's about ability.


I took the test today and passed not by too much but I'll take it .My score today was 737on 790-290 .I did get a few questiones on GPO,TerminalServer and Permission .

I will make adjustements to my practise regiment for all other exams because now it will probably get really difficult.

I will update you guys with my progress.
Just keep studying, I feel that I could do any of the things required for the 70-291 exam, and i do with my job, but I failed twice before scoring an 856 on the third try. I am just glad to move on to the next subject.
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