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Failed Windows Update Problem 1

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Technical User
Apr 24, 2003
After a complete format and reinstallation of Win98SE Full version, I started to download and install several of the Critical Updates that were recommended for this software.
I'm sure some of them installed properly, but one or more seem to have caused a continuous "Please wait while setup updates your configuration files...' This message is displayed on every bootup screen just after the autoexec.bat
script runs. You can see it if you hit the ESC key when the startup logo is on screen, and I always check this during every step of my rebuilds. Any ideas on what may be causing this? I've looked through the system files, but it is probably something obscure in a registery key? Help!

Lesson learned:Do one Critical Update at a time...!

Try this .

scanreg /restore
from inside the windows dir, after you boot from a floppy.

I was just reading the board to see if anyone had any similar problems, and there it is!! I have a failed ie6 upgrade; setup will only look on the W98 disk and not on the MS update site. I've tried every tip in the MS help screens, but somewhere is a pointer to a failed setup that I can't find. Sorry to hijack your thread, Starman, but maybe we will have the same solution. I even got out my W98 backup disc, with no success. Anyone have any experience with this?
IE 6 is the problem child here. Stick with 5.5. IE 6 works great with the NTFS file system (XP) but regardless of what Micro$oft says, it still has compatibilty probems with FAT file system (98&ME). Go to Add/Remove Programs, and check to remove Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. When the comptr restarts, it will reinstall 5.5 with came with 98.
I think if I tried to use the scanreg/restore technique while in the windows directory as recommended by jmatt I would have shot myself in the foot again. I looked at it and it's possible other switches and decided the only back up listed with no date or time was too risky. Luckily I have had Lifesaver 3.5 running and I had made regular sys backups with it from the start. Going back in time a few restores helped me find the point before those nasty installs went loco. Then I was able to reinstall them again in much smaller bunches, like 2 at a time until all 14 were loaded and installed properly. I do agree with oldcomptrguy that IE6, and it's famous Service Pack 1 is not ready for prime time in Win98SE. When I get real brave and more despirate, I will upgrade to XP! Thanks for the help!

Surfdude may be able to use the Scanreg trick to back step before he had his problem too. I just hope it shows him more backups than the one I saw... Now back to the F((*&^%$#ing rebuild, and...loving it!
Glad you got your problem worked out. As for me, well.....I have gone back with scanreg /restore to a kinder, gentler time. But that pointer to the failed ie6 update is still causing troubles. Fortunately 5.5 is still working, its a real hassle for my wife (her computer) to go through when it boots.
sfrdude, can you explain your problem a bit better? What do you mean by "that pointer to the failed ie6 update is still causing troubles" and "its a real hassle .....to go through when it boots"?
Thanks for your time on this one, I appreciate help. When the computer boots up a window comes up, "shortcut not found" and its looking for ie6setup.exe. My wife has to cancel through it, and that causes hassle for me ;-). I went back to a scanreg /restore version that was earlier than the failed upgrade, but there is a pointer somewhere that looks for the ie6setup. Even though I deleted every file/shortcut I could find named ie6*. Because I have a lot of files (20G worth) on this computer, I didn't want to fdisk and install 98SE fresh, so I used the upgrade route. Also installed a new MB/PIII overclocked processor, although until I get everything right I'm running standard speed. So too many changes at once, I'm afraid. There's also something wrong with MSCONFIG; it is stuck in "selective startup" mode and halts upon boot to ask which boot option to use. I'm losing patience; soon it'll be time for a disk wipe and reinstall.
Boy, you got one here...

You have removed all references to IE 6, from Add/Remove Programs. My Computer, C drive, Programs. How about the registry, In Run, type regedit, click the plus by HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then Software, then Microsoft. See if that IE 6 is there. If so delete it.

If that fails, try removing all Internet Explorer versions from the comptr and reinstall 5.5 with the Windows CD.

Also, go to Add/Remove Programs and if you have it loaded, remove Windows Critical Update Notification.

In the MSCONFIG, be sure the Process System.ini file, Process Win.ini file and Load Startup Group items are the only three boxes checked.

If that does not solve that problem, change it to Load Normal startup. Then go into each program that you do not want to load at startup and change that programs options to "Do not start with Windows or at startup.

I hope these suggestions help.
Ok, looking through the registry there are hundreds of entries. Many for things long gone. So, maybe you can give me some advice as to the best procedure to fdisk, and reinstall w98. Just do it, baby? I think its time for that. Should I remove all the cards, or leave them?
Be sure you have a Windows Startup Floppy. Is your Windows 98 CD an upgrade or full version? Do you have the Driver disks for the video, audio, modem, etc?

If you do not have a Windows Startup floppy, go to Add/Remove Programs, Startup Disk tab, put a formatted floppy in and press the create button.

If you do not have the driver disks, get the serial, and model number of your comptr and go to the mgfr web site and download the drivers to floppy disks.

What cards are you refering to? The only thing you will have to remove from the comptr are any connections to printer, camera, or other external drives.

Get back to me and we'll give you a blow by blow discription of formatting and installing windows.
When I upgraded W98 to SE, I made a startup floppy. Have the driver discs; the only cards are AGP video, generic soundcard, and d-link wireless. There are 2 HDs; 3G and 20G, a floppy, CD-ROM. The OS is on the 20G...... I moved all the data I'm worried about onto the 3G, the programs will have to be reinstalled. I bought the comp. 5 yrs ago; 233 PII. Recently put a new Soyo MB and 700PIII in; should have reinstalled the OS but didn't. Now its time.
Just to be on the safe side, I recommend you take the other hard drives out of the comptr, reset the jumpers on the 20G to Master, no slave or single.

Put the Startup floppy in the and start the comptr. At the prompt, choose "Start Comptr Without CD Rom Support" and then at the A:\ type FDISK. Choose Large Disk Support. This will show you the partitions currently on the drive. I recommend just One Primary DOS Partition.

Now once you are satisifed with your partition data, restart and get back to the A:\ This time type FORMAT C: Thats it, let it format and when its done it will ask you to name the volume, choose None.

Restart the comptr and when you get to the first prompt, this time choose "Start Comptr With CD Rom Support", put the Windows CD in and press the enter key. The disk may start the install or take you to another A:\, in which case just type SETUP.EXE.

Good luck
When you get it all sorted out starman2047 , you may like these .


1 . Install xxcopy ( freeware , it copies long filenames ) from ,

2 . Make a new folder on the C:\ drive and call it WINBACK

3 . Start > Programs > MS-DOS Prompt .
Copy > XXCOPY C:\Windows C:\WINBACK & paste in MS-DOS , then click Enter .
No need to close any programs down .

4 . If I ever have any problems after this ( that cannot be sorted out by going back to a good copy of the registry > scanreg /restore ) , I boot from the boot disk , type c: & press Enter to get to the c: root drive .
Then type REN WINDOWS WINOLD & press Enter, then type REN WINBACK WINDOWS , press Enter &
reboot to a fresh windows installation in less than 5 minutes, with all drivers loaded and working!
If Windows dos'nt load , reboot with your boot or startup disk in ( without cd rom support ) & at the A: prompt , type sys c: & press Enter .


How to Copy the Windows Cab Files to a Hard Disk
Last updated: 1/21/2000
We must now edit the Windows Registry to tell Windows where to look for the CAB files.
oldcomptrguy thanks for your help. Reinstall went well, time consuming but better than constant reboots.
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