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Failed to Save Movie Ahrghhhh!!

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Technical User
Jul 12, 2000
Help please...

I am using Flash 4 in Windows NT and have always had a few problems when trying to publish movies in terms of error messages about locked files and file names that are to long. These were usually fixed by retrying after a few minutes. These problems seem to have worsened and I am now unable to save any movies. After a mornings work on getting a reindeers leg to move just so...I hit the save button and "Failed to save document" appeared. I know I know I should be saving regularly anyways but I am now left in the predicament where my movie is fine I can publish it but if I choose save and then cancel all of my painstaking work will be lost.

All ideas, suggestions and comments are welcome.

Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer

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You could try to open another Flash window and then copy'n'paste everything over there - maybe you can then save from the other window? Altough with a bigger project this can be a HUGE undertaking, which may not even be worth the effort... allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
hmmm gave it a quick try but still no luck saving in the new movie either.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer

Visit me at
"Nature does not need creativity at all. It only needs the species called 'people' to let
nature be left alone and go its course. Read R.M. Rilke on this. However, the creative mind of people can change courses be it concerning our own species :)"


Im sorry I think you may have misinterpreted the meaning of this quote. It does not assert that humans should dominate or control nature but simply that the ultimate challenge for a "rational" person is to be able to perceive and hence "order" nature. To man nature is the ultimate enigma seeming both naturally ordered and to require rationalisation. The implication here is that rather than man controlling nature it is actually natures inate ordering towards which man should strive. The ability to be conscious of everything that occurs around within and beyond your self.

Well sorry to all those people looking for an answer to the for the "Failed to save document" message it seems we have had a slight divergence in topics.

Anyways my reindeer is still siting on my desktop although I am loathe to do any more work until I know I can save it.

Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer

Visit me at
Are you in a Network? If yes, you could try something like VNC from and then share your clipboard (is done automatically when the VNC client runs somewhere) with another computer that has also installed Flash - try to paste your work there.

Pretty complicated, uhm?

The next step would then probably be to newly set up the corrupted computer...
Or I heard of tools that can defragmentate a NTFS 4 too - don't know about it, I'm using Win2k... this could maybe also help you... (after it's defragmented it could be able to create new files again...)
Do you have more than one HD? I think you already tried every possible saving position for your work? allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
God in his moment of creativity created all nature from utter chaos. So...yes... nature does need creativity,but...perfect creativity.

Now back to Flash... Ya' Gotta Love It!
maybe tek-tips should introduce a philosopy forum for those of us who can't help ourselves. Ya' Gotta Love It!

To bring everybody up to date on the failing to save issue...

I have now tried a range of options including exporting the movie in every possible format. Whiloe this does work its not really suitable as I then end up with eithere a whole heap of gifs or something else similar. I have opened other movies and altered and saved them with no wurries, so it seems only to be my reindeer movie (looks like flash is reining on my parade). So I think after a good nights sleep (and many words of wisdom) that I shall just have to close the movie, not save the changes and remake the movie...Oh well once more I have managed to integrate the inevitable order/chaos of nature/computers into my life.

I agree with you Jeff a philosphy forum would be great at least it would give us all a chance to take our minds off our probs for a while.

Thanks to all above for your comments and suggestions.

Justin. X-) "Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature." Eric Hoffer

Visit me at

P.S.: God also created the chaos.

Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;-)

so if all things are created from chaos right?.does this mean that chaos is the tool for developing the ultimate imagination for absolute creativity?.

: this would explain my fla's.. :)

it's good to know that it's not just my fla's that look like the little-bang theory gone wrong...I was actually just wondering if everyone's looked as messed up as mine did...guess the important thing is that they work..well, most of the time, okay, well sometimes anwyay lol


Justin, my flash presentations constantly don't let me save them either.... I just overcome it by saving as regularly as possible, and when the message comes up, I close it, (copy any extra work to a blank presentation or clip board) duplicate the file in windows explorer.... and open it... this seems to work fine....

But if anyone knows why this problem occurs, it would really save me a lot of time!!!! ^-^
I'm using Flash 5 :)

Kitten ^_-
Your problem is too familiar to me. Don't know if you purchased yours or got your off the internet at one of those W sites, but i had one off the internet and it did it to me allllll the time when i would have Flash 4 up for a while. what i used to do is work for a while save, then reopen Flash. But some times when i came across an error, or it would lock up, i would hit the Flash icon and try to reopen it, it worked sometimes. But my brother has windows 2000 partitioned with 98 on the other just because that same reason, programs do not all work great in the 2000 envoirnment, including games.
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