The server send me x times a day the following message :
NetWorker adv_file: (warning) Failed to fetch the saveset(ss_t) structure for ssid 1215440372
I tried to delete this saveset using
nsrmm -dPy -S 1215440372
5875:nsrmm: save set 1215440372 does not exist
This saveset was or still is on an adv_file but not anymore in the volumes index... Is there a possibility to find where this saveset was stored (disk volume) in order to stage the whole disk et then to relabel the disk backup volume ??
Thank you in advance
NetWorker adv_file: (warning) Failed to fetch the saveset(ss_t) structure for ssid 1215440372
I tried to delete this saveset using
nsrmm -dPy -S 1215440372
5875:nsrmm: save set 1215440372 does not exist
This saveset was or still is on an adv_file but not anymore in the volumes index... Is there a possibility to find where this saveset was stored (disk volume) in order to stage the whole disk et then to relabel the disk backup volume ??
Thank you in advance