I get the following error message:
Can't locate DBI object method "fetchrow_hashref" via package "DBD::mysql::st" at C:\httpd\CGI-BIN\viewfiles.pl line 34.
When I execute the following code.
Can anyone help me out?
sub Get_Descriptions{
my $DBH = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:files", "david", ""
my $sth_fetch =
$DBH->prepare( qq(SELECT * FROM table01) ) or die $DBH->errstr;
print "$sth_fetch \n";
print "got to here \n";
while( $ptr = $sth_fetch->fetchrow_hashref ){
Can't locate DBI object method "fetchrow_hashref" via package "DBD::mysql::st" at C:\httpd\CGI-BIN\viewfiles.pl line 34.
When I execute the following code.
Can anyone help me out?
sub Get_Descriptions{
my $DBH = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:files", "david", ""
my $sth_fetch =
$DBH->prepare( qq(SELECT * FROM table01) ) or die $DBH->errstr;
print "$sth_fetch \n";
print "got to here \n";
while( $ptr = $sth_fetch->fetchrow_hashref ){