Hi there,
I don't know how to search for the answer to this question so please forgive me if it has already been answered.
I am doing a zip code search and need to search on the first three numbers. They enter a five digit zip code. How do I pull out the first three numbers and how do I show that in my SQL statement? It's below (I used 782 as an example). Thanks in advance.
<%set zip=objConn.execute("SELECT * FROM vwSchedule WHERE (Zip LIKE '782%')"
I don't know how to search for the answer to this question so please forgive me if it has already been answered.
I am doing a zip code search and need to search on the first three numbers. They enter a five digit zip code. How do I pull out the first three numbers and how do I show that in my SQL statement? It's below (I used 782 as an example). Thanks in advance.
<%set zip=objConn.execute("SELECT * FROM vwSchedule WHERE (Zip LIKE '782%')"