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Extracting Data from a text file - Please Help 5

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Technical User
Nov 28, 2001

A long shot.
Does anyone know of a way I can import data from a .txt file other than docmd.transfertext.
I have a file that is export from a mainframe system that has headers footers etc. The layout is exactly the same everytime but there are a lot of spaces and it is not in your usual export format.
What I need to do is go into the text file, search through it until I find the place where the data starts, search till I find where the data finishes and import the data inbetween.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be very grateful to hear them.
Many Thanks,

Steve C Make things as simple as possible — but no simpler.
Hi Steve

Is the file comma deliminited? Do you need to just get rid of the header and footer?

I would use iterating through the text file if you are sure it is your last resort (why write code that some MS Guru wrote for you to do the job).

If you have to iterate through the file. Look in your help file for Input or Line statements. If you need help, I had to write something that I had to iterate through some text files (because it was comma deliminated and fields within the file contained commas which through off Access Import functions).

Hope this Helps,
Try this TextFile Class.
Create a new class module then paste all the data into it. The comments at the top should get you started.

Option Explicit
' Attribute VB_Name = "ReadTextFile"
' Text File Class for reading files
' Copyright 2000, Chuck Grimsby
' All Rights Reserved
' Use is free without restriction,
' I just keep the copyright!

' Class keeps 3 lines for the programmer to use:
' .Text = current line to work with
' .PreviousLine = the last line.
' .NextLine = The next line for 'look ahead' operations
' (occasionally useful to know what's next!)

' The class has it's own EOF property (EndOfFile).
' Use that rather then the channel's EOF.
' Since the class is doing it's own handling of channel numbers, inputs, etc.,
' using one that the class isn't handling could return erronious information.

' The BytesLeft should also be ignored.
' The class uses it internally for it's own purposes....
' The .LeftOver property is also something that the class uses
' for it's own use. Leave it alone!

' BufferSize can be set to whatever the programmer needs/wants.
' On files that have more then 4096 characters per line,
' this can be changed. Unless that's the case, 4096 bytes
' (the default) usually works quite well.

' The .StripLeadingSpaces and .StripTrailingSpaces properties
' are used for formatting of the line within your program.
' Use as needed/desired.

' The .NoBlankLines property is for use when you'd rather
' not deal with blank lines. Note that this setting doesn't
' apply to the .NextLine propery or the .PreviousLine property.

' The .StripNulls becomes useful in files that are "padded".
' I use this a lot on files that come off of Main Frames and
' are really ment to be printed, rather then read into a program.
' Most files =don't= have nulls (Chr$(0)) in them, so normally
' you'll leave this off. (Turning it on slows the reads!)

' The .OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters property is also fairly useless
' except in some extremely rare conditions. I can't remember why
' I put this in here, it changes the class so that it only
' returns the characters in the ASCII range of 32 - 127
' (Characters that can be printed), but not the so-called
' "upper-ASCII" characters that can also be printed.
' International users will probably find it =much= more
' useless then those in the US.

' The .CountOnlyNonBlankLines is for the count of lines.
' Personally, I almost always leave this set to False as
' I'd rather have a count that is more true to the format
' of the file, but I've had occurances where this is useful.

' You can set the LineDelimiter property to be whatever you
' want/need. This becomes =really= helpful in files that are
' created on systems that don't use either Cr, Lf, or CrLf
' as line delimiters.
' The class will automatically try to figure out what the line
' Delimiter is if you don't set this. It looks for Carridge
' Returns (Chr$(13)), Line Feeds (Chr$(10)) and the 2 of them
' together.
' The class will automatically look for FormFeeds and use those
' as additional Line Delimiters.

' This class can also be used on FixedWidth files.
' Just set the .FixedWidthLineLength property to the length
' of the line, and that's it.
' When the .FixedWidthLineLength >0, the line delimiters
' are ignored, so feel free to do so in your code.

' The methods used are:
' .cfOpen to open the file set in the .FileName property
' .csGetALine which is used to get the next line from the file
' and .cfCloseFile to close the file when you're done with it.
' Watch the .EndOfFile property to know when you're done.

' sample useage:
'Sub ReadAFile(strFileName)
' Dim myTextFile As New ReadTextFile ' Create a new class internal to your program.
' Dim myString As String ' Local String to play with in your program
' Dim intError As Integer
' myTextFile.FileName = strFileName ' set the file name to read
' myTextFile.NoBlankLines = True ' Don't return blank lines!
' myTextFile.CountOnlyNonBlankLines = False ' Count all lines regardless of whether or not they are returned
' myTextFile.StripLeadingSpaces = False ' leave any leading spaces.
' myTextFile.StripTrailingSpaces = False ' leave the trailing spaces too!
' myTextFile.StripNulls = True ' eliminate Chr$(0)'s
' myTextFile.OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters = True ' don't send me any characters I can't use!
' intError = myTextFile.cfOpenFile ' open the file, return any errors in doing so (class doesn't handle them!)
' If intError = 0 Then
' ' no error in opening the file has occured
' While Not myTextFile.EndOfFile ' Watch for the end of the file
' myTextFile.csGetALine ' Tells the class to go to a new line
' myString = myTextFile.Text ' set your string = to the current string of the class
' Debug.Print myTextFile.LinesRead, myString ' Show work in the Debug window. Optional! Don't do in production!
' ' want to see the next line?
' If myTextFile.NextLine = <whatever> Then....
' ' want to see the Last line?
' If myTextFile.PreviousLine = <whatever> Then ....
' <do whatever with the string here.>
' ' want to find something in the file?
' ' find a line within the file:
' ' myTextFile.csFindLine StringToSearchFor, True
' ' Note: Change True To False if you care about case!
' ' myString = myTextFile.Text
' ' on larger files, you may not want to do a line-by-line
' ' search, so do:
' ' myTextFile.csFindInFile StringToSearchFor, True
' ' myString = myTextFile.Text
' Wend
' Else
' ' handle the error here!
' MsgBox Error(intError)
' End If
' myTextFile.cfCloseFile ' close the file. We're done with it!
' Set myTextFile = Nothing ' Always set your objects to nothing when you're done with them!
'End Sub

' the code itself is below:

'local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private mvarBytesLeft As Currency
Private mvarText As String
Private mvarLeftOver As String
Private mvarEndOfFile As Boolean
Private mvarChannelNumber As Integer
Private mvarBufferSize As Long
Private mvarFileName As String
Private mvarNoBlankLines As Boolean
Private mvarStripLeadingSpaces As Boolean
Private mvarStripTrailingSpaces As Boolean
Private mvarLinesRead As Double
Private mvarCountOnlyNonBlankLines As Boolean
Private mvarNextLine As String
Private mvarPreviousLine As String
Private mvarLineDelimiter As String
Private mvarFixedWidthLineLength As Integer
Private mvarOnlyAlphaNumericCharacters As Boolean
Private mvarStripNulls As Boolean
Public Property Let StripNulls(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarStripNulls = vData
End Property
Public Property Get StripNulls() As Boolean
StripNulls = mvarStripNulls
End Property
Public Property Let OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarOnlyAlphaNumericCharacters = vData
End Property
Public Property Get OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters() As Boolean
OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters = mvarOnlyAlphaNumericCharacters
End Property
Public Property Let FixedWidthLineLength(ByVal vData As Integer)
mvarFixedWidthLineLength = vData
End Property
Public Property Get FixedWidthLineLength() As Integer
FixedWidthLineLength = mvarFixedWidthLineLength
End Property
Public Property Let LineDelimiter(ByVal vData As String)
mvarLineDelimiter = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LineDelimiter() As String
LineDelimiter = mvarLineDelimiter
End Property
Public Property Let PreviousLine(ByVal vData As String)
mvarPreviousLine = vData
End Property
Public Property Get PreviousLine() As String
PreviousLine = mvarPreviousLine
End Property
Public Property Let NextLine(ByVal vData As String)
mvarNextLine = vData
End Property
Public Property Get NextLine() As String
NextLine = mvarNextLine
End Property
Public Property Let CountOnlyNonBlankLines(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarCountOnlyNonBlankLines = vData
End Property
Public Property Get CountOnlyNonBlankLines() As Boolean
CountOnlyNonBlankLines = mvarCountOnlyNonBlankLines
End Property
Public Property Let LinesRead(ByVal vData As Double)
mvarLinesRead = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LinesRead() As Double
LinesRead = mvarLinesRead
End Property
Public Property Let StripTrailingSpaces(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarStripTrailingSpaces = vData
End Property
Public Property Get StripTrailingSpaces() As Boolean
StripTrailingSpaces = mvarStripTrailingSpaces
End Property
Public Property Let StripLeadingSpaces(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarStripLeadingSpaces = vData
End Property
Public Property Get StripLeadingSpaces() As Boolean
StripLeadingSpaces = mvarStripLeadingSpaces
End Property
Public Property Let NoBlankLines(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarNoBlankLines = vData
End Property
Public Property Get NoBlankLines() As Boolean
NoBlankLines = mvarNoBlankLines
End Property
Public Property Let FileName(ByVal vData As String)
mvarFileName = vData
End Property
Public Property Get FileName() As String
FileName = mvarFileName
End Property
Public Property Let BufferSize(ByVal vData As Long)
mvarBufferSize = vData
End Property
Public Property Get BufferSize() As Long
BufferSize = mvarBufferSize
End Property
Public Property Let ChannelNumber(ByVal vData As Integer)
mvarChannelNumber = vData
End Property
Public Property Get ChannelNumber() As Integer
ChannelNumber = mvarChannelNumber
End Property
Public Property Let EndOfFile(ByVal vData As Boolean)
mvarEndOfFile = vData
End Property
Public Property Get EndOfFile() As Boolean
EndOfFile = mvarEndOfFile
End Property
Public Property Let LeftOver(ByVal vData As String)
mvarLeftOver = vData
End Property
Public Property Get LeftOver() As String
LeftOver = mvarLeftOver
End Property
Public Property Let Text(ByVal vData As String)
mvarText = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Text() As String
Text = mvarText
End Property
Public Property Let BytesLeft(ByVal vData As Currency)
mvarBytesLeft = vData
End Property
Public Property Get BytesLeft() As Currency
BytesLeft = mvarBytesLeft
End Property
Function cfOpenFile() As Integer
On Error GoTo Open_File_Error

ChannelNumber = FreeFile

Open FileName For Binary As #ChannelNumber
BytesLeft = LOF(ChannelNumber)

' no error, exit out:
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Function

' error of somekind....
cfOpenFile = Err.Number

' reset error handling:
On Error GoTo 0

End Function
Function cfCloseFile()
Close #ChannelNumber
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
LinesRead = 0
BytesLeft = 0
PreviousLine = vbNullString
Text = vbNullString
NextLine = vbNullString
LeftOver = vbNullString
LineDelimiter = vbNullString
' defaults:
BufferSize = 4096
StripTrailingSpaces = False
StripLeadingSpaces = False
StripNulls = False
NoBlankLines = False
OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters = False
CountOnlyNonBlankLines = False
FixedWidthLineLength = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Call cfCloseFile
End Sub
Public Sub csGetALine()
Static NotFirst As Boolean

' move the last line read into the
' PreviousLine so it isn't lost:
PreviousLine = Text


If NotFirst = False Then
' load a line into the nextline property
Call csGetNextLine
' set NotFirst to true so this doesn't happen again
NotFirst = True
' now go through this routine the right way:
GoTo csGetALine_Start
' move the next line into the text property
Text = NextLine
' increment the line counter
LinesRead = LinesRead + 1
End If

If (CountOnlyNonBlankLines = True) And _
(Len(Trim$(Text)) = 0) Then
' decrement the line counter for blank lines
' if the user doesn't want to count those
LinesRead = LinesRead - 1
End If

' trim the string based on user settings:
If StripLeadingSpaces = True Then
Text = LTrim$(Text)
End If

If StripTrailingSpaces = True Then
Text = RTrim$(Text)
End If

If OnlyAlphaNumericCharacters = True Then
Text = AlphaNumOnly(Text)
End If

' load the next line into the nextline propery:
Call csGetNextLine

' if text is blank, loop through again if the user
' doesn't want blank lines:
If (NoBlankLines = True And _
Len(Trim$(Text)) = 0) Then
If Not EndOfFile Then
GoTo csGetALine_Start
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub csGetNextLine()
Dim intFF As Integer
Dim intX As Integer
Dim Temp As String

' keep the buffer full:
Call LoadBuffer

If FixedWidthLineLength = 0 Then
If LineDelimiter = vbNullString Then
' figure out what the line delimiter is:
Call DetermineLineDelimiter
End If

' see if someone stuck a form feed
' in the middle of the line:
intFF = InStr(LeftOver, vbFormFeed)
intX = InStr(LeftOver, LineDelimiter)

' figure out which is the left most:
If intX > 0 Then
If (intFF < intX) And (intFF > 0) Then
intX = intFF
End If
If intFF > 0 Then
intX = intFF
End If
End If

' trim the string to the leftmost deliminater:
If intX > 0 Then
NextLine = &quot;&quot; & Left$(LeftOver, intX - 1)
If intX = intFF Then
LeftOver = Mid$(LeftOver, intX + 1)
LeftOver = Mid$(LeftOver, _
intX + Len(LineDelimiter))
End If
NextLine = &quot;&quot; & LeftOver
LeftOver = &quot;&quot;
End If
' for Fixed Width files, ignore the delimiters,
' and use the length set by the programmer:
NextLine = Left$(LeftOver, FixedWidthLineLength)
LeftOver = Mid$(LeftOver, FixedWidthLineLength + 1)
End If

End Sub
Private Sub LoadBuffer()
Dim intX As Integer

If Not EndOfFile Then
If Len(LeftOver) < BufferSize Then
intX = BufferSize - Len(LeftOver)
If BytesLeft < intX Then
intX = BytesLeft
End If
End If
If StripNulls = True Then
' it's easier/faster to do this here....
LeftOver = LeftOver & _
NoNulls(Input$(intX, ChannelNumber))
LeftOver = LeftOver & _
Input$(intX, ChannelNumber)
End If
' update the number of bytes left in the file
' we're reading from:
BytesLeft = BytesLeft - intX
End If

' see if we're done:
If (EOF(ChannelNumber)) Or _
(BytesLeft = 0 And _
LeftOver = &quot;&quot; And _
NextLine = &quot;&quot;) Then
EndOfFile = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DetermineLineDelimiter()
Dim intCRLF As Integer ' standard CrLf
Dim intCR As Integer ' Carridge Return
Dim intLF As Integer ' Line Feed
Dim intX As Integer

'find the leftmost CR,LF or FF:
intCRLF = InStr(LeftOver, vbCrLf)
intLF = InStr(LeftOver, vbLf)
intCR = InStr(LeftOver, vbCr)
intX = Len(LeftOver)

' Use whatever is leftmost as the delimiter!
If (intCRLF < intX) And (intCRLF > 0) Then
LineDelimiter = vbCrLf
intX = intCRLF
End If
If (intLF < intX) And (intLF > 0) Then
LineDelimiter = vbLf
intX = intLF
End If
If (intCR < intX) And (intCR > 0) Then
LineDelimiter = vbCr
intX = intCR
End If
End Sub
Private Function NoNulls(strIn As String) As String
' removes all Chr$(0)'s (ASCII Null's) from
' a string.
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = strIn
intI = InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0))
While intI > 0
strTemp = Left$(strTemp, intI - 1) & _
Mid$(strTemp, intI + 1)
intI = InStr(strTemp, Chr$(0))
NoNulls = strTemp
End Function
Private Function AlphaNumOnly(strIn As String) As String
' removes all but the ASCII Characters on the
' keyboard.
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = strIn
While intI < Len(strTemp)
intI = intI + 1
Select Case Asc(Mid$(strTemp, intI, 1))
Case 32 To 126
' do nothing. we want to keep these!
Case Else
' get rid of everything else:
strTemp = Left$(strTemp, intI - 1) & _
Mid$(strTemp, intI + 1)
If intI > 1 Then intI = intI - 1
End Select
AlphaNumOnly = strTemp
End Function
Public Sub csFindLine(strStringToFind As String, _
Optional bolIgnoreCase As Boolean = True)
' finds a string within a file by reading through
' the file line by line.
Dim intI As Integer

If Text = &quot;&quot; Then csGetALine
If bolIgnoreCase = False Then
' don't care what case (upper/lower) the string is):
intI = InStr(1, Text, strStringToFind, vbBinaryCompare)
intI = InStr(1, Text, strStringToFind, vbTextCompare)
End If
' not found, try the next line:
If intI = 0 Then Call csGetALine
Loop While Not EndOfFile And intI = 0
End Sub
Public Sub csFindInFile(strStringToFind As String, _
Optional bolIgnoreCase As Boolean = True)

'Faster way to find a line that's in a large file,
'but slower returning it back to the program.

Dim intI As Integer
Dim Temp As String

'clear the nextline and text properties,
' since they no longer have value to us:
NextLine = vbNullString
Text = vbNullString

' makesure the buffer is full:
Call LoadBuffer

If bolIgnoreCase = False Then
' don't care what case (upper/lower) the string is):
intI = InStr(1, LeftOver, _
strStringToFind, vbBinaryCompare)
intI = InStr(1, LeftOver, _
strStringToFind, vbTextCompare)
End If
' not found, try the next set of characters:
If intI = 0 Then
' save the right most characters in case we
' only got part of them:
LeftOver = Right$(LeftOver, _
' reload the buffer:
Call LoadBuffer
End If
' note: since we're doing some pretty weird things
' here, we can't rely on EndOfFile, so watch the
' BytesLeft property instead to find out if the class
' is at the end of the file.
Loop While BytesLeft > 0 And intI = 0

If intI > 0 Then
' found it!
' put everything that's before what we've searched for
' into the previousline:
Temp = Left$(LeftOver, intI - 1)
LeftOver = Mid$(LeftOver, intI)
If FixedWidthLineLength = 0 Then
' work backwards through temp
'to find the line delimiter:
intI = intI - 1
If Mid$(Temp, intI, Len(LineDelimiter)) = _
LineDelimiter Then Exit Do
Loop While intI > 0 And intI > Len(LineDelimiter)
' move those characters from Temp into
' the front of text to make a complete line:
If intI > 0 Then
Text = Mid$(Temp, intI + Len(LineDelimiter)) _
& Text
' put the rest of temp into the previousline
' property so it's available to the programmer:
PreviousLine = Left$(Temp, _
intI - Len(LineDelimiter))
End If
End If
'The string we're searching for wasn't there!
'Text, NextLine & Leftover no longer have
'value, so clear them out to reduce confusion:
Text = vbNullString
NextLine = vbNullString
LeftOver = vbNullString
End If
End Sub

Import the file into a table you use just for the transfer. The table should have only one field that is 255 characters. I'm assuming that each row is no longer than 255 characters.

Then write code to do what you mentioned, namely to go through each record and identify the records that contain data and what the data is and insert the data into your data table.

If you load the contents of the import table into a recordset it might be a bit easier to work through. Once you're done extracting the data, delete all of the rows from the import table.

Thanks for all your replies.
These have given me some ideas.

Steve C. Make things as simple as possible — but no simpler.
I wonder who is going to answer this?

Hi Steve,

Did you implement Oharab's class successfully?

I am also needing to import text files into MS Access.

I run this code and get to a macro dialogue box with csGetAlign in it. I step into this procedure and end at

Compile error:

Variable not defined

The variable being mvarText from the following:

Public Property Get Text() As String
    Text = mvarText
End Property

Can you help?


Nobody ever did mention: is the file comma-delimited? You could try this little function, which comes straight from the MS Access help files:

This example uses the Input # statement to read data from a file into two variables. This example assumes that TESTFILE is a file with a few lines of data written to it using the Write # statement; that is, each line contains a string in quotations and a number separated by a comma, for example, (&quot;Hello&quot;, 234).

Dim MyString, MyNumber
Open &quot;TESTFILE&quot; For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.
Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
Input #1, MyString, MyNumber ' Read data into two variables.
Debug.Print MyString, MyNumber ' Print data to Debug window.
Close #1 ' Close file.

Could be what you're looking for. :)

I can't understand that at all. I succesfully implemented the class with no problems at all. I used the code example within the comments and adapted it to write the data I wanted to a table. It worked first time!
The only thing that I can think of is that
'Private mvarText As String' has been omitted from the local variable section of the class but if you've copied and pasted directly this should be a problem.

It might be an idea to try the sample code and see if you can get that to work. If not post again and I'll see if I can help further.


This was the first thing that I looked at when trying to solve this problem but as the file isn't comma delimited (the text file really should be printed out so it's laid out for the eye not a pc!!) it wasn't a goer.


Steve carey

Make things as simple as possible — but no simpler.
Hi everyone!

It looks like you are already finished here, but I thought I would mention a trick I found some time back.

There is a reference you can set called &quot;Microsoft Scripting Runtime&quot; which is a lot more useful than it sounds. It basically allows you to work with files and folders, including text files.

With text files you can set up a text stream which reads the file one line at a time. You can also save lines to files.

I have had to do several text import and parsing jobs and this came in very handy!

&quot;If it was easy, it wouldn't be fun&quot;
Oharab, the class you posted was extremely helpful for my purposes of stripping out carriage returns from some large text files. This function in particular:
Private Function AlphaNumOnly(strIn As String) As String
' removes all but the ASCII Characters on the
' keyboard.
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = strIn
While intI < Len(strTemp)
   intI = intI + 1
   Select Case Asc(Mid$(strTemp, intI, 1))
   Case 32 To 126
   ' do nothing. we want to keep these!
   Case Else
      ' get rid of everything else:
      strTemp = Left$(strTemp, intI - 1) & _
               Mid$(strTemp, intI + 1)
      If intI > 1 Then intI = intI - 1
   End Select
AlphaNumOnly = strTemp
End Function

You get a star!

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