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Extracting a word from a text file? Please, HELP!

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Jul 5, 2001
Hi there,
I know how to clear the blank spaces from a text file and how to get the amount of characters in my text file. However, I would like to be able to extract a word which change every time I create my text file.
Any ideas?
Thank You in advance,

Read in the file with one command. I use the FileSystemObject.
Dim strFileData As string
Dim strFileIn As String
strFileIn = "C:\In.txt"
strFileOut = "C:\Out.txt"

strFileData = ReadProto(strFileIn)
strFileData = Replace(strFileData,"MyWord","NewWord",vbTextCompare)
WriteProto strFileOut, strFileData, ForWriting
Private Function ReadProto(strFileName As String) As String
Dim objFS As FileSystemObject
Dim objTS As TextStream

Set objFS = New FileSystemObject
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, _
ForReading, False, TristateFalse)
ReadProto = objTS.ReadAll
Set objTS = Nothing
Set objFS = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub WriteProto(strFileName As String, _
strOut As String, _
lngIoMode As IOMode)
Dim objFS As FileSystemObject
Dim objTS As TextStream

Set objFS = New FileSystemObject
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, _
lngIoMode, True, TristateFalse)
objTS.Write strOut
Set objTS = Nothing
Set objFS = Nothing
End Sub
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By "need to extract" a word.... what do you mean?

Is it a particular word in a specific location or do you have to figure out if a word has changed and which one it is ?

Perhaps a statement of purpose at the business-problem level rather than what the program has to do would make it clearer.

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