is it getting cut off in your Database file, Or in your program when it's called? If it's in the database file, what are you useing for your database? If it's in the program what are you transfering the data into (like a text box)?
Hi Adric
If you are adding text to your database via a textbox (maxlength set to 0 = no limit to amount of text), you should be adding this data to a Memo field that has a limit of 65000 characters. Quite enough for most situations. 65000 character equates to a heck of a lot of pages (approx.14 full pages A4). If you have a problem with the length of one Memo field, create two. Set up some code to check the size your Memo1 and when it reaches 65000, transfer the data to Memo2 and clear Memo1.
hope this helps
regards - Micash
Try setting the maxlength property on the textbox to correspond to the length of the database field. This will prevent the users from entering in too much data in the first place.
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