Could you tell me why this expression works in Access 97 but not in Access 2003?
=IIf([Forms]![Job File]![JOB ITEMS Query].[Form].[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]=0,0,[Forms]![Job File]![JOB ITEMS Query]![TxtExtended])
I know it has something to do with the [RecordsetClone].[RecordCount] property, but I tried everything and still it returns the #Name? value. Thanks.
=IIf([Forms]![Job File]![JOB ITEMS Query].[Form].[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]=0,0,[Forms]![Job File]![JOB ITEMS Query]![TxtExtended])
I know it has something to do with the [RecordsetClone].[RecordCount] property, but I tried everything and still it returns the #Name? value. Thanks.