Over the holidays I had a customer loose all the voice mails on their Sx200 system. Aside from the "message life" option, is their any other options on the Mitel Express Messenger card that would cause the system to delete old and new messages? Thanx a million!
Did they also loose the mailboxes and greetings? If not, there is no option to do what you describe. The closest thing is the reinstall option, but that would wipe out the mailboxes as well. "Message Life" usually only applies to saved messages, not new ones.
I checked the programming of the voicemail card and for "message life" it was set to 0. If 0 represents the factory default, what is the actual factory default for "message life"?? Thanks
The factory default "0" is 15 days, if you set it to 99 it will never delete messages. This only applies to played/saved messages. New messages are not affected.
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