I have an intermittent problem with exporting charts as GIF files. My macro does the following:
* opens a txt file
* formats it
* copies the data onto the master sheet
* closes the txt file
* then exports the charts.
I had an initial problem with a 'do you want to leave information on the clipboard' dialogue when closing the first sheet.
I have since solved this by using
Sendkeys '{ESC}', False
just after the workbook is closed.
Since solving that problem, I occasionaly get an error when exporting a chart ('Method "Export" of object "_chart" failed') when it gets as far as
ActiveChart.Export Filename:="F:\Web\Updated_Graphics\Activity_Chart.gif", FilterName:="GIF"
Any workarounds for this?
Cheers! ;-)
I have an intermittent problem with exporting charts as GIF files. My macro does the following:
* opens a txt file
* formats it
* copies the data onto the master sheet
* closes the txt file
* then exports the charts.
I had an initial problem with a 'do you want to leave information on the clipboard' dialogue when closing the first sheet.
I have since solved this by using
Sendkeys '{ESC}', False
just after the workbook is closed.
Since solving that problem, I occasionaly get an error when exporting a chart ('Method "Export" of object "_chart" failed') when it gets as far as
ActiveChart.Export Filename:="F:\Web\Updated_Graphics\Activity_Chart.gif", FilterName:="GIF"
Any workarounds for this?
Cheers! ;-)