After much tedious work, I finally have the report exporting to excel without merging the column cells, but I cant get it to not create blank rows between the populated rows. I have the section in the CR report as tight as I can get it to the fields, any ideas on how to solve this one?
SQL2014// CR Pro Windows 7 Enterprise
"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be"
-KHALIL GIBRAN 1883-1931
After much tedious work, I finally have the report exporting to excel without merging the column cells, but I cant get it to not create blank rows between the populated rows. I have the section in the CR report as tight as I can get it to the fields, any ideas on how to solve this one?
SQL2014// CR Pro Windows 7 Enterprise
"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be"
-KHALIL GIBRAN 1883-1931