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Export to Excel-Data Only in BOE XIR2 1

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Jan 30, 2006

Hello Experts,
I've a specific question about exporting report from Crystal Report viewer to Excel 97-2000 - Data only(XLS) option . When exported, headers are missing in the Excel file (for some reports only few header fields are exported).
I've checked "Report Export Options" of the report object in Crystal Designer to use "Export page header and page footer" and directly saved this report on the BOE server without any success with export option.

Interestingly, the same report works fine on a different BOE installation (we've multiple BOE installations on different servers for development and testing phases).

Has anyone seen this kind of behavior? Any tips to resolve this issue?
I don’t know what patches have been applied as there is no “Patches” folder (I know there is one in BOE 11). What’s the other way of checking for applied patches?

Versions used: BOE 11.5
Crystal Designer:
Crystal Report viewer: DHTML (in all installations)

Thank in advance.

Hi, Are all the BOE installations at 11.5 and all Designers at 11.0?

It is always best to keep those 2 in sync as to release and patch levels..Can cause odd behavior. ( not sure if it applies in your case but worth checking)


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
yes, all the BOE installations at 11.5 and all Designers at 11.0.
The easiest way to tell which patches are installed is to look at Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the server where BOE is installed. I would compare the server that isn't working with one that is. I suspect this is an issue that was fixed in a Hot Fix or Service Pack.


A computer only does what you actually told it to do - not what you thought you told it to do.
The only way I've been able to do this sucessfully is to have a seperate report that I named "Report Name xxx - For export to Excel - Data Only" In that report, I had made the Field AND Headers extremely small (like 0.1 inch square) AND aligned LEFT between the Header and DataField. Looked horrible in Crystal, BUT everything aligned when exported to Excel.

DataDog [pc2]
If God wanted us to count in Hexadecimal, then why did he only give us A fingers?
Here are the steps I follow to get reports to look right when exported to Excel:

1. Column headers can be only one row in height. If they're more than that, things won't line up correctly. Sometimes this also applies to data.

2. Line up column headers and data fields so that they are the exact same size and their left sides are aligned.

3. Make sure that text and data in summary rows (e.g. totals, etc.) is also aligned and the same size as the data above it.


A computer only does what you actually told it to do - not what you thought you told it to do.
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