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export tables fails from personal edition

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Oct 27, 2003
using persion addition 9i
I am trying to do an export of a selected group of tables from the enterprise manager.
I can create & submit the export job with no problems. however when I look in the history tab of the jobs page the status is always failed.
I can't find any info (probably because i don't know where to look) on why the job failed.
Can anyone help me?



Let's try to isolate where problems are occurring. To do so, I recommend your using Oracle's "exp" export utility which you should run from a DOS command line prompt. Try this command from your DOS prompt (replacing the values inside of "< >"s with values specific to your situation:
exp tables=<tab1>,<tab2>,…<tabn> buffer=15000000 compress=n grants=y feedback=1000 consistent=y file=<target_dump_file.dmp> log=<file>.log statistics=none userid=<userid>/<password>

If you receive the error: "'exp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." then preface the 'exp' command with the "drive:\Oracle\Oraxx\bin\exp".

If your results are successful, then it means we have problems with your Enterprise Manager. But let's first check the validity of running "exp" from the DOS prompt.

Let us know your results/findings

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 01:00 (27Oct04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 18:00 (26Oct04) Mountain Time

Thanks for helping this lost soul.
I tried the exp command at the command prompt and it doesn't like any user/password I give it.
I tried using sys and it gave a message back i should use sysdba or sysoper, i tried using sysdba but it always would come back with invalid user/password. I was using the password i assigned to sysdba when the database was created.

any idea on what I forgot or messed up on?



You should use the username/password of the Oracle user that owns the tables you are trying to export.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 16:25 (27Oct04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 09:25 (27Oct04) Mountain Time

so far the only username/password I can get it to accept is scott/tiger.
however when I use that one I get an error message the the user scott does have the permission to export the tables from the database. I tried to give scott the right to export but that didn't seem to help.

the tables i am trying to export are in the schema OPS$NTSYS03\ADMINISTRATOR, however there doesn't seem to be a user with that name in the database security.

next suggestion




I presumed (perhaps incorrectly) that you had database-administrator (DBA) privileges. It concerns me that you have no Oracle log-in to use besides SCOTT/TIGER. Do you have permission to SELECT from the tables you are trying to export? If not, then administratively, you should not be allowed to do the export.

In any case, to determine the owning Oracle user, issue the command:
SELECT owner, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE table_name LIKE '%part of your tablename here%';
The above command will confirm from which Oracle user you should be conducting the export.

Let us know your findings,

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 22:13 (27Oct04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 15:13 (27Oct04) Mountain Time

OK I tried a bunch of stuff and I can get a little further.
as to the login in, when ever i went into the enterprise manager I would log in as sysman, which I though was a dba, did I miss something there?

i don't know why but today I can get the exp to accept the userid "system"

i ran the select command you suggested and all of the tables I was trying to export had an owner of "OPS$NTSYS03\ADMINISTRATOR"

after I got a succesful userid to work the exp command always failed with the error message "EXP-00019: failed to process parameters"

i even tried exp command with what I though would be stripped down to the bare minimum and it still gave me the message.
this is the last that i tried that failed for dbf admdata, owner ntsys03\administrator and a single table dadmcust:

exp tables=admdata.ntsys03\administrator.dadmcust

i would enter the userid of system when prompted and the password for system.

is my installation corrupt or ????



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