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Export Lotus Notes mails to Outlook format

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Jul 15, 2003
I use Microsoft Outlook client to check my mails. But, in this new work place I had to use Lotus notes client R5, as the mailserver is Notes server.

I archive the files into ".nsf" file, which I will be able to open only using Lotus notes client software.

If I have this file on some other system which doesnt have Lotus notes client software, how can I get them imported to MS Outlook for viewing the mails/attachments etc..

Plz drop in any pointers on how to convert a ".nsf" to a ".pst" .. or any alternative in achieving this purpose.

Appreciate any kind of response to this.

What do you think about IMAP?
If you are running R5, you must convert the mail-file to an IMAP-Mail-File on the server.
(load convert -m [mailfile] * [mailtemplate-file])
(e.g. load convert -m mail/ohinz.nsf * mail50.ntf)
AFAIK Outlook can use IMAP.

Another way to access the .nsf is POP3...

Hi Ohinz,

I dont think anything about IMAP. As I said, I am in a situation that I am forced to IMAP. I just use the R5 client on my laptop to check/read/send mails..

I figured out a way of archiving the lotus notes mail as .nsf file. In future, when I dont have lotus notes client, how will I be able to retrieve mails out of .nsf file (provided I have MS Outlook)?

I will not be able to do any server side settings.. and now the files are in .nsf, not in the server.

Let me know if there is a way out..

Hi Ohinz

Do you perhaps have a converter from MS Outlook to Notes? My company has merged with another firm and we are in the process of creating tem all Notes mailboxes. And a request was to have thier current MS Outlook mail in Notes format.

Can you help at all?


I can take a look into Notes Administration Help. Under "Mail and Directory Migration" (R&) you can find, how to convert all Exchange users into Notes users and create the IDs etc.

If you have only a few users to create (or Users that are not stupid...:)) you can choose the way over IMAP:
Create the users mailbox and convert them to IMAP.
Every user can insert an IMAP-Profile into Outlook and move the mails (by drag and drop). After that, they can use Outlook to access Notes or use the Notes Clients.



No pointers to my earlier asked question - How to check the mails in .nsf file without a Lotus notes client.. and how with Microsoft outlook?

You cannot read an nsf without having Notes installed. Even 3rd party products which read nsf files (eg: some backup products and certain vcl controls) use the notes dll's. If you are accessing Domino via Outlook you should be able to store the mails in local folders for access after you have left the company and no longer have Notes.

Find me @ onlinecorporatesoftware.com
If you are saying in a roundabout way that you have already left the company and have an nsf file with no way to read it ... you could download a trial version of Domino or Notes from Lotus.

Find me @ onlinecorporatesoftware.com
Hello all(notes experts),

Is there any way of exporting the mails into another format (could be set of text files, or outlook .pst file, or into individual mail messages (.msg) ).

Even Yahoo has come up with an archiving option of exporting/archiving the messages in online mailbox into a zip file containing individual ".msg" mails.

Doesnt Lotus Notes R5 has any add-ons or plugins which can do the same?

Any kind of help will be appreciated.

First of all...why do they make it so hard to convert to each other.

I have a PST file that i need to convert into nsf. I tried to trick it, and use outlook 2000, install lotus notes server and try and copy and paste folders, but this seemed to only crash my system each time i tried. Now what other options do I have?? Aparently when you install notes, you can choose custom and install migrations tools..how the heck do you get these tools?? I installed them, but how do i access them??In dos probably, but whats the command or even the switches?? ANyways, anyone know of a tool or anything?
Here's how to do it:

1) Open your inbox in designer
2) Create an agent and paste in the code below
3) Run the agent

Here's the code:
Sub CreateDir (repdir As String, foldername As String)
' Check to see if the folder exists in windows, if not then create it
Dim folder As String
Dim restfolder As String

Slash = Instr(foldername, "\")
If Slash > 0 Then
folder = Mid(foldername, 1, Slash - 1)
restfolder = Mid(foldername, Slash + 1, Len(foldername) - Slash)
folder = foldername
End If

dirfound = False
dirname = Dir (repdir & "*." , 16)
Do While dirname <> &quot;&quot;
If dirname = folder Then
dirfound = True
End If
dirname = Dir ()
If dirfound <> True Then
Print &quot;Creating Directory &quot;&quot;&quot; & repdir & folder & &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;
Mkdir repdir & folder
End If

' Recursive call if you are passed a nested folder
If Slash > 0 Then Call CreateDir (repdir & folder & &quot;\&quot;, restfolder)

End Sub

Function dd (short As String)
' dd = double digit
If Len(short) < 2 Then
short = &quot;0&quot; & short
End If
dd = short
End Function

Sub Initialize
' This code was designed to go through a folder full of emails and dump their contents to a folder somewhere
' Written by Jalsa Kuldinow on 8/18/03
On Error Goto ErrTrap
ErrorArea = &quot;Initialising&quot;
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim rtitem As Variant
Dim fileCount As Integer
Dim repdir As String
Dim foldername As String

Set db = session.currentdatabase

' Get the respository directory from the user giving the previously used directory as the default
oldrepdir = session.GetEnvironmentString(&quot;RepDir&quot;)
repdir = Inputbox (&quot;Please enter the full path where you would like your emails to be exported to (i.e. F:\Jalsa\)&quot;, _
&quot;Entire Database Central Repository Export Function&quot;, oldrepdir)
If repdir = &quot;&quot; Then Exit Sub
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar(&quot;RepDir&quot;, repdir)

'Make sure the last char in the repository dir is a If Mid(repdir, Len(repdir), 1) <> &quot;\&quot; Then
repdir = repdir & &quot;\&quot;
End If

totalemailsexp = 0
Forall view In db.Views
ErrorArea = &quot;Initialising&quot;
If view.IsFolder And view.name <> &quot;($Trash)&quot; And view.name <> &quot;(Group Calendars)&quot; And _
view.name <> &quot;($Alarms)&quot; And view.name <> &quot;(Rules)&quot; Then
Print &quot;Exporting Emails From &quot;&quot;&quot; & view.name & &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;

If view.name = &quot;($Inbox)&quot; Then
foldername = &quot;Inbox&quot;
foldername = view.name
End If

Call CreateDir (repdir, foldername)

' Start exporting emails
emailsexported = 0
Print &quot;Exporting Emails to &quot; & repdir & &quot; from Folder &quot; & foldername & &quot; ... &quot;

Set doc = view.getfirstdocument
While Not(doc Is Nothing)
ErrorArea = &quot;Formatting&quot;
d = doc.PostedDate(0)
If d = &quot;&quot; Then
d = doc.Created ' It's a draft
End If
' Format the time so that it looks good
ampm = Mid(d, Len(d) -1, 1) & Mid(d, Len(d), 1)
emaildate = Year(d) &&quot;-&quot;& dd(Month(d)) &&quot;-&quot;& dd(Day(d)) &&quot; &quot;& _
dd(Hour(d)) &&quot;-&quot;& dd(Minute(d)) &&quot;-&quot;& dd(Second(d)) & &quot; &quot; & ampm

emailsubject = doc.subject(0)
For i = 1 To Len(emailsubject)
cc = Mid (emailsubject, i, 1)
If cc=&quot;\&quot; Or cc=&quot;/&quot; Or cc=&quot;:&quot; Or cc=&quot;*&quot; Or cc=&quot;?&quot; Or cc=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; Or cc=&quot;<&quot; Or cc=&quot;>&quot; Or cc=&quot;|&quot; Then
Mid(emailsubject, i, 1) = &quot; &quot;
End If
If Len(emailsubject) > 50 Then
emailsubject = Mid(emailsubject, 1, 50)
End If

' Put all attachments in a specific folder
ErrorArea = &quot;Attaching&quot;
Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem( &quot;Body&quot; )
If ( rtitem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then
If doc.HasEmbedded Then
Forall o In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects
If ( o.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then
fileCount = fileCount + 1
Call o.ExtractFile ( repdir & foldername & &quot;\&quot; & emaildate & &quot; &quot; & o.name)
' Call o.remove
' Call doc.save (True, True)
End If
End Forall
End If
End If

' Strip the email of it's text and put that in a file.
ErrorArea = &quot;Dumping&quot;
emailtext = rtitem.GetFormattedText(True,80)
fileNum = Freefile
Print &quot;Creating File &quot; & repdir & foldername & &quot;\&quot; & emaildate & &quot; &quot; & Trim(emailsubject) & &quot;.txt&quot;
Open repdir & foldername & &quot;\&quot; & emaildate & &quot; &quot; & Trim(emailsubject) & &quot;.txt&quot; For Append As fileNum
Print #fileNum, &quot;From &quot; & doc.from(0) & &quot; to &quot; & doc.sendto(0) & &quot; on &quot; & doc.delivereddate(0)
Print #fileNum, doc.subject(0)
Print #fileNum, &quot;&quot;
Print #fileNum, emailtext
Close #fileNum
emailsexported = emailsexported + 1
totalemailsexp = totalemailsexp + 1
Print Cstr(emailsexported) & &quot; Emails Exported From Folder &quot;&quot;&quot; & foldername & &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;

Set doc = view.getnextdocument(doc)
End If ' view.IsFolder
End Forall

' Finish the procedure and close the error log if generated
If ErrorLog Then
Print &quot;Exporting Process Complete With Errors. Total of &quot; & _
Cstr(totalemailsexp) & &quot; Emails Exported. Please See Generated Error Log.&quot;
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;Solution:&quot;
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;Please contact your local Lotus Notes developer.&quot;
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;&quot;
Close #Errfilenum
Print &quot;Exporting Process Complete. Total of &quot; & Cstr(totalemailsexp) & &quot; Emails Exported&quot;
End If
Exit Sub

If Not ErrorLog Then
ErrfileNum = Freefile
Open repdir & &quot;_Error Log.txt&quot; For Append As Errfilenum
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;Error Log Generated by Database Email Exporting Function. Run on &quot; & Now
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;Run by &quot; & session.username
Print #Errfilenum, &quot;Error Log:&quot;
ErrorLog = True
End If
ErrMsg = &quot;An error &quot; & Err & &quot; occurred on line &quot; & Cstr(Erl) & _
&quot; (&quot; & Error & &quot;) during the &quot; & ErrorArea & &quot; process.&quot;
Print #Errfilenum, ErrMsg
Print ErrMsg
Select Case ErrorArea
Case &quot;Formatting&quot; : Resume ResumeFormatting
Case &quot;Attaching&quot; : Resume ResumeAttaching
Case &quot;Dumping&quot; : Resume ResumeDumping
Case Else : Resume ResumeExit
End Select
End Sub
Go to the Domino Administration help:
In the left hand navigation pane expand &quot;Mail and Directory Migration&quot;, then &quot;Migrating personal mail data&quot;, then &quot;Running the upgrade wizard&quot;.

You will see links on the subjects of &quot;Installing the upgrade wizard&quot;, &quot;Running the upgrade wizard&quot; and &quot;Migrating mail messages from Microsoft Outlook Express&quot;

Find me @ onlinecorporatesoftware.com
OK thx for your replys..

I have read all the documentation, found out how to do it, using the migration wizard, but..where do i find this wizard?? Is it under the administrator client??No where does it say where to find the migration application...i know whats i find it ill be fine..anyone..tell me where it is on my clients or system..thanks
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