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Export list of disable AD accounts 3

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Technical User
May 3, 2002
How can I get a list of disabled accounts from AD Domain Users group?
I would say that there are a few fella's in here that could write a better script, but this should at least point you in the right direction. It queries your entire domain for user objects and if they are disabled it prints it to a text file located at c:\temp:
Dim fso, f
Dim conn
Dim rs
Dim provider
Dim strSql

Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\Temp\Enabled.txt")

provider = "ADsDSOObject"

With conn
	.Provider = provider
	.Open "Active Directory Provider"
End With

strSql = "SELECT sn, givenname, adspath, useraccountcontrol FROM 'LDAP://DC=[b]YOUR DOMAIN[/b],DC=com' WHERE objectclass = 'user' AND useraccountcontrol = 514 ORDER BY sn"

set rs = conn.execute(strSql)

Do until rs.EOF

	f.WriteLine rs("sn") & ", " & rs("givenname") & " - " & rs("useraccountcontrol") & "   -   " & rs("adspath")




msgbox "Done"

Set conn = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Hopefully it works for you.
you can get that information from dsquery

dsquery user -disabled
Thanks for your help, the dsquery options are a big help.
now that's what I'm talking about...my code is what, 30+ lines and swabs comes back with a 3 word solution...beautifule
If you want to do it in a GUI do a Find in ADUC and change to Common Queries. Then tick the disabled accounts box.

Using these methods gives me the disabled account in the domain. I need to get the disabled from the domain users group only. The dsquery I think only works on OU's.
do you really have many accounts that are not part of the "domain users" ou?
Yes, we have some accounts that were created for access to a web portal we host and they are removed from the domain users group upon creation. I modified the script above to search the Domain Users group for our domain and it runs successfully but generates an empty text file called Enabled.txt. If I missed some quotes or something should it give me an error the way it is written or complete with no errors?
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