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Export data

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Technical User
Mar 17, 2002
Help, needed with exporting data from a rs...

I've got a page, that queries a table in the database, and displays the results in a table...

Now I'm looking to export that data to a PDF file... I have a button that, passes the data to the file... but everytime, if returns BOF or EOF is true... as the recordset is closed...

I need to check if the RS.EOF or RS.BOF then reopen the connection to export the results... can anyone help me... Really confused...

Your question is a little unclear

this checks the BOF/EOF before doing the export - is that what you want ?
if not(oRS.BOF and oRS.EOF) then
 'do the export
 'do whatever
end if

If not, what do you mean 'reopen the connection to export the results' - BOF/EOF means there are no records, are you saying that you've closed the connection and not cached the recordset ?

A smile is worth a thousand kind words. So smile, it's easy! :)
can you show the action code that you wrote for the button...

'reopen the connection to export the results' as the connection is closed and not cached...

try something like this:

If objRS.State <> "0"
'your recordset is open
your recordset is closed.
end if

similarly with the connection object...

If objconn.State<>"0"

The code for the button is;

<% If Not rsStatus.EOF Or Not rsStatus.BOF Then %>
<a href="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?excel=y"><img src="../img/table/print_button.gif" width="86" height="27" border="0" align="bottom"></a>
<% End If ' end Not rsStatus.EOF Or NOT rsStatus.BOF %>

With the main controller code for the export is;

DIM objRS, line, filename, DateString

If Request.QueryString("excel")="y" Then

If rsStatus.EOF OR rsStatus.BOF Then

Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.ActiveConnection = MM_Assist_STRING
objRS.Source = "SELECT dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.JobNumber, dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.StatusDate, dbo.tblSites.SiteName, dbo.tblSites.SiteNotes, dbo.tblFeatures.FeatureName, dbo.tblJobCategory1.JobCategory1Description, dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.JobStatus, dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.ContractIDKey FROM dbo.tblJobInstructions#1 INNER JOIN dbo.tblSites ON dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.[Site Code] = dbo.tblSites.SiteCode INNER JOIN dbo.tblFeatures ON dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.[Feature Code] = dbo.tblFeatures.FeatureCode INNER JOIN dbo.tblJobCategory1 ON dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.Category1ID = dbo.tblJobCategory1.JobCategory1ID WHERE (dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.ContractIDKey = '16') AND (dbo.tblJobInstructions#1.JobStatus = '" + Replace(rsStatus__VarStatus, "'", "''") + "')"
objRS.CursorType = 0
objRS.CursorLocation = 2
objRS.LockType = 1

DateString = Date()
DateString = Replace(Datestring, "/", "")

line=Replace(line,",","¸" )
line=Replace(line,vbCrlf," ")

Response.Buffer = TRUE
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" &Datestring& ".pdf"
End if

End if
That isnt a button...

Thats a href link...

A link back to the same page, except with a QueryString...

A QueryString with one item named Excel....

And if the value of Excel is 'y' you want to return a PDF.


For testing purposes, try commenting out that big SQL statement and replace it with something short and simple like:
[tt]objRS.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.tblJobInstructions"[/tt]
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