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export 9.2 import 9.1

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Jun 10, 2002
How to export from 9.2 and use the dmp file to import
to 9.1?

Charlie ;)

This is very puzzling at many levels. Not only do I successfully conduct the same version-to-version exports that you want to do, but in the dozens of times that I have consulted with Oracle Tech Support over the years, they have never failed to resolve my problems.

Is your TAR (Technical Assistance Request) still open with Oracle? If so, please pursue it until Oracle resolves the issue or until they say, "Sorry, we cannot resolve this" (which I have never heard them say). We (other Tek-Tipsters and future sufferers of your same problem) need to know what the deal is on this issue. So please don't give up.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 20:17 (03Jan05) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 13:17 (03Jan05) Mountain Time
I had asked Oracle to put TAR to sleep. They, however, closed it. Also, I doubt this is worth the time on my part to persue. The workaround of using the 9.2 DB to hold the DB works quite well and is available. It also separates our data from Oracle's data, which is also a good reason to keep in separate DBs. Evidently the current Oracle Portal release is not going to let us do what I wanted anyway.
Here are a couple exerts from the TAR:


22-OCT-04 17:51:07 GMT


The problem could be due to the binary being from the portal database. Since you are using this binary, there are most likely issues re
lated to that. 9015, which is the version of the export utility that is being u
sed, is specific to Portal as we do not have an actual database release of that
version. This is why I sent you these articles.


22-OCT-04 19:43:09 GMT

Let me know if the articles help at all. If not, you may have to use the 920x binary but I don't believe you can import back into the 9015 Portal database wit
h that. I believe that the articles go through the steps on getting the exports
and also importing.


31-OCT-04 01:51:18 GMT

New info : I read through the articles. Don't see anything that would tell us

how to do what we need to do there.
Charlie ;)

11-NOV-04 17:42:12 GMT


Hello Charlie,

I apologize for the late response to this issue. I have tried to find any issues related to this and unfortunately we do not have any filed other than the normal issues related to running CATEXP, which we have already addressed. I was reviewing the details of the SR and I see that the 920x instance is running 9201 base...is this correct? If so, would you be able to apply the 9205 patchset, run CATPATCH.SQL in migrate mode, CATEXP.SQL and then try the export again. I am not sure if this is a problem with the combination of 9015 and 9201. Let me know if you can do this.


Charlie ;)

Well, Charlie, if you and Oracle Tech Support have exhausted your collective resources and wills to pursue a resolution, and you have a workaround that allows you to take care of business, then I guess it's past history.

Good luck,

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 18:23 (04Jan05) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 11:23 (04Jan05) Mountain Time

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