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explore and 'my computer' causes reboot

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Jan 8, 2002
the tital says it all: suddenly my W2000server sp1 has a neat little trick up her sleeve: every time I want to browse the drives through 'my computer' or rightclick on start, explore, the server reboots immediately. Cleared all the logs, and to my horror I found numerous reports of re-initiated processes, even a serial port that has an ID36 with it (serial port disabled because it is in use by something or another). Anyway, the only thing I could figure out is that I have enough space on the drive left, and I have a huge list of DNS errors, events I have never seen... Any suggestion (besides restarting from scratch)? Might this be a hardware failure?
The system still runs, but that is about the only good thing I can say. If this server crashes, my school (primary) wil be in very deep troubled water...
first thing, you need to get up to at least service pack 3. service pack 4 has a problem with citrix and IIS stuff.. but 3 seems good.. then also, make sure that the microsoft patch is on there for the RPC .. 824146. then see where need to go from there.. heck, maybe this might fix your problem.

sounds like you´ve encountered this problem before. I´ll try to run the RPCfix. Problem is though, that every time I open a window to browse through a drive the system reboots! So, when I try to run a backup (or better, restore it), every time I try to indicate what part of the drives I would like to have backed up, the server just reboots! This would also indicate that when I get to the point where I can save a file (like a patch) the system opens a save-as window and immediately stops...This would mean gettign the patch on a workstation, putting it on the drive (through a workstation I can get into the harddrives of the server!) and trying to work through the prompt.
I´ll keep you guys posted!

what happens if you disconnect the server from the network/internet? does it let you do things without rebooting?

it´s even worse than I expected... Starting Explorer on the server causes an immediate reboot. Think this is a virus. It takes the server a couple of minutes to restart, it takes forever to get to the bottom of this problem. I did check the servicepack on it, SP1...
I´ll check on Microsoft what size the SP´s are and try to download them through the server. Somehow it doesn´t mind passing data as long as no-one tries to run explorer directly on it.
I´ll let you know tomorrow, it´s getting rather late overhere in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Thanks for staying with me!
it did this after you removed it from the network? as in unplug the ethernet....
it is stable running off the network? I might be able to help you with service packs and microsoft patches if it is.
That's strange. all my servers are Dell servers and I've got that patch on all of them. no problems.
Oh.. that forum mentioned that they had loaded SP4. SP4 for windows 2000 has issues with Citrix and IIS.. not heard of any other issues. Our servers are still at SP3 with the 824146 patch.
I'm having the same problem here...just started today on a w2k workstation....neluck fixing this?
ok I'm not for sure if thsi will fix your problem but it worked with me. All I did was reset the RAM chips and made sure everything was in tight. Sometimes after exspanding and contracting cards work there way out. Dunno if this will help or not but it worked here
quell, sounds like a thing worth trying (and heck, it saves a lot of downloading etc ;-) ). As a matter of fact, this server was custom build on an Asus board, with 128 mb SDram. I wish it was an A-brand machine! The machine in case sits in a very comfy but warm case...approx. 30 degrees min...
It happened to me exactly the same on a win2k machine. I clone the HDD to new one and it never had this problem anymore. The HDD is ide, it's a long shot but it's worth a try. Of course you can always try to untick the box on "Automatically reboot" on Startup and Recovery section on the System Properties but expect a system hang or maybe a BSOD if you do this.
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