I have been browsing through this forum and am impressed with its quality. Great job! As far as I know, my question has not been addressed: I am using MacroMedia's Studio MX and am having problems designing a vertical navigaion bar in Fireworks MX. I would like to have the items in the pop-up become aligned and positionally fixed under their source button and above the next button in the nav bar when the source button is in the down state. Essentially, the button(s) below the button in the down state would have to slide down to make room for the pop-up items. This would give a similar effect as clicking on a closed panel (e.g. the optimize panel) in Fireworks MX.
I would really appreciate any help!
-- Shawn
I have been browsing through this forum and am impressed with its quality. Great job! As far as I know, my question has not been addressed: I am using MacroMedia's Studio MX and am having problems designing a vertical navigaion bar in Fireworks MX. I would like to have the items in the pop-up become aligned and positionally fixed under their source button and above the next button in the nav bar when the source button is in the down state. Essentially, the button(s) below the button in the down state would have to slide down to make room for the pop-up items. This would give a similar effect as clicking on a closed panel (e.g. the optimize panel) in Fireworks MX.
I would really appreciate any help!
-- Shawn