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Expanding existing Partner Endeavor 3x8 to 6x16

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Sep 10, 2001
I have a customer who has asked me to expand their system (which was NEVER going to expand). They have a Partner Endeavor (not an ACS) with a single card. They are asking for additional CO lines, so I need to find a 362EC. I am looking for a source for that board.

Along that line, I have received some email that says I can expand a Partner Endeavor with an ACS 308EC (and a 2 slot chassis), but opinions are evenly mixed (and opposed) that the combination of a Partner Endeavor module can be mixed with the ACS 308EC. I would like opinions on that topic as well.

If opinions are mixed, it may be clue that this is not a slam-dunk, that there are "considerations" or limitations to the expansion.

What is the real solution? Put the possible limitions of the solution in writing, even a simple fax or email. It doesn't have to be formal or argumentative, just a helpful reminder (which everyone realizes will nonetheless be "on the record.")

The thrust of this note, though, is to alert you to the pitfall awaiting a tech who installs something at the behest of his customer though the tech knows it will be a less than perfect solution. When he does this, he of course will talk with the his contact person who insists nonetheless that the work proceed (because the boss is on their back for a solution).

The problem is that the contact person is not--often--the decision maker or the one who writes the check. In fact, they may be charged by their boss to find the solution and they are on the hook to provide that solution.

So they cajole the tech into installing something that may not work but they report to their boss that a solution has been found. When the doo-doo hits the fan, your contact person has amnesia--they have forgotten or conveniently misunderstood your caveats. They suggest to their boss that you did not do your job or that they were misled.

I have had contact people--who were embarassed and under the gun, to be sure--stand silently next to their boss asked me why something they purchased did not work. The contact person was simply too embarassed to admit to their boss that they were told the "solution" might not fully satisfy them but they chose it anyway. They let the boss think it is your fault. They are just being human, but the heat falls on you.

You cannot win this one: if you contradict your contact person, then they or the boss--or both--will not believe you. And if you don't contradict them, then you are incompetant or deceptive or both.

But your CYA fax or email can go a long way towards an honest understanding: "Gee, Mr. Honcho, I am so sorry this solution seems not to work for you. However, we did know that it might not work because the Endeavor/ACS combo is not really a suppoorted Avaya design option, as I clearly said in my fax to you on such-an-such a date.


I guess it would help to say that despite some great advice, I am the one who purchased the Partner Endeavor in the first place. It might also help to know that this is a small business with whom I have great relationships. I feel bad that even though I doubled their initial telecom request, it turns out that business has grown and they are more than doubling their needs. The advise to expand it with a 308EC is coming from an email from another source (someone who wants to sell me a 308EC and I am concerned).

Appreciate the advice and I am older and wiser now. I still have to find an expansion solution for this Partner Endeavor system.
Is this an "Avaya supported design option"? If not -- doesn't sound like it is--you may be on thin ice.

True enough, some techs will rave about their creativity or "custom fix" for a customer but this avenue requires great caution.

Since the Lucent-->Avaya conversion, Partner Endeavor was thrown out with the dishwater and the sources for technical support are pretty rare. I do not think that I can even get a question answered if I paid for it since in involves discontinued products.
This situation happens all the time. The unfortunate thing is that people blame themselves when in fact they did the best they could knowing what they knew at the time.

Usually bosses will understand that, especially since they too are actuely experiencing the growth you mentioned. In fact, the phone problem is problably not the only growth problem they are having, though they may have talked to you only about the phone issues.

The good news is that upgrades can be relatively painless and not expensive, since most of the initial investment is in the wiring and labor. Yours should accept an ACS cabinet and cards almost as a drop-in replacment.

You can do the programming, presumably. If not, it is is not rocket science--you can read the book and practice on the ACS system prior to actual install.

Also, often the bosses have more money than they would like to say. They feel they have to protect it, so they tell everyone how tight the budget is. It usually is a mix of fact and salesmanship.

I've even heard of bosses who make the most difficult demands just to see if their subordinates will make it work, even though they themselves do not totally believe it can be done. They are in a can't-lose situation and the subordinates very well can.

The fact is, your bosses may very well have encouraged you to choose the most economical version, or you were trying to help the company's bottom line knowing there would be "no growth."

I sometimes use language such as, "At the time, We thought there would be no significant growth." This shares the effort and promotes a collaborative atmosphere and bosses like it because it is not attempting to fix blame. It's just a fact.

In my own business, I often have to adjust viewpoints when things change. Sometimes it costs a little money.

Hello, I am also looking for a 362 ec expansion module for out lucent endeavor key system.
Did you ever find one? if so where?
did you confirm that other 308 moducles might work from the ACS family?
Cunnida - MWM - Raymond.NL,

The Partner Endeavor system was simply a cut-down version of the ACS system when it was originally marketed back in 1996 or so. It was designed for an entry level customer who didn't have the extra 30% or so for the ACS system. The Endeavor was/is a decent little system and when you look at the circuit board on the Endeavor processor and the 362 EC module, there are basically a few chips and components left out as well as only one PCMCIA slot on the processor. The Partner Euro 18D phones that were sold with the Endeavor system are also cutdown versions with a single line LCD display and they came without the standard adjustable desk stand and user guide pullout tray.

In our repair facility, we have found a slick way to convert the 362 expansion module into a 308EC module. We haven't found a way to reverse engineer the ACS 308EC module to run with the Endeavor processor module - why would we - :)

I don't know why you can't just add a 2nd 362 EC module to your system? If your suctomers only need additional CO ports and extra extensions, the extra 362 expansion module will work ok. There are a few quircky problems with the programming on the Endeavor, but it is still a useable small office phone system. For those of us that only sell and repair the Partner ACS and Euro phones - 90% of the time, the Endeavor system does have little resale value and the repair charges on the Endeavor modules - when they are found to be defective - are not always well spent $$$$. You can use an ACS/Endeavor 2 or 5 slot carrier with multiple Endeavor modules ... the Partner VS mail modules work well with the Endeavor system also.

Hope that helps. Contact me directly if you need more help in finding these 362 mods. Andrew Roach
Drew Communications
Lucent Voice Mail and Component Repair Specialists
Wasn't there an Endeavor 2.0 upgrade card? And wasnt the Endeavor 2.0 able to support all the other partner expansion mods (206E, 400E, 308EC)?


The Endeavor 2.0 Upgrade PC Card only increased the Endeavor's programmig capabilities to be able to accept a Partner 200E - 400E and 206E module not a ACS 308 line module.

Sorry I didn't include this info in my last post - but the Endeavor R2.0 Upgrade cards are very hard to find - we have only one or two in stock. Thanks! Andrew Roach
Drew Communications
Lucent Voice Mail and Component Repair Specialists
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