I'm running exchange 5.5 sp4 on NT4 sp6a. The server seem to be doing ok but when I try to do a backup I receive the following error.
Event ID: 200
Source: ESE97
Type: error
Catagory: Database Page Cache
Aread of the database file E:\EXCHSRVR\MDBDATA\PRIV.EDB between offsets 0x000000000BFC0000 and 0x000000000BFC7FFF failed after 16 failed read attempts with error -1018. There is a software or hardware problem affecting the database drive that must be corrected to preserve database integrety. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services. etc.
How do I go about solving this problem?
Event ID: 200
Source: ESE97
Type: error
Catagory: Database Page Cache
Aread of the database file E:\EXCHSRVR\MDBDATA\PRIV.EDB between offsets 0x000000000BFC0000 and 0x000000000BFC7FFF failed after 16 failed read attempts with error -1018. There is a software or hardware problem affecting the database drive that must be corrected to preserve database integrety. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services. etc.
How do I go about solving this problem?