I want to send a request to a webserver using a command line and get the response. But I am not sure what perl library or command will help me do that. Here's an example of what I want to do.
<command Line> <web-address> <Port number> <parameters in name-value pair format to be sent>
testcommand localhost 443 &INVNUM=123&STREET=5199 MAPLE&ZIP=94588
Is there a library or command line I need to be aware of to make this transaction? thanks
I want to send a request to a webserver using a command line and get the response. But I am not sure what perl library or command will help me do that. Here's an example of what I want to do.
<command Line> <web-address> <Port number> <parameters in name-value pair format to be sent>
testcommand localhost 443 &INVNUM=123&STREET=5199 MAPLE&ZIP=94588
Is there a library or command line I need to be aware of to make this transaction? thanks