Suggest you call your main form from MAIN.prg and not from the menu, which is the conventional way of starting an application
In our application we don't have a main form as such. We are calling all the forms from the menu. The appropriate forms are displayed but the controls such as command buttons, option buttons etc. do not respond. Please let us know if any specific properties for the forms to be called from the menu are to be set.
There are no problem at all calling the forms from the menu. I usually work in this way to give (forgive me, all FoxPro Gods ) the impression that the application is written in Visual Basic. So, in this way it should be a main window with a menu bar. Then the menu should run the forms. I know for sure that this way works.
It seems to me that the forms have a problem. Please be more specific. Are you using a base class for forms? In this case, just to be sure, please, can you post the code from menu? I mean DO FORM commands?
We are not using base class for forms. The forms are created by a simple method of MODIFY FORM <Form Name>. Most of the forms called through menu have the WindowType Property set to 1 - Modal. The forms are called form the menu in the following way :
DO FORM <Form Name>
You may get this to work - I personally wouldn't bother
To explain this further, I also developed applications in the way you have described and equally abandoned them in favour of the more traditional methods. Users did not like the initial blank screen.
It is not a question of whether the technique will work, more a question of whether teknik will get it to work, and teknik already has problems, which may or not be related to the methodology of the project.
If teknik is in the early stages of acquiring VFP skills and knowledge, then I am simply suggesting stick to the straight and narrow.
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