My boss wants a report that looks at the next 20 records after the Top N (20) records, without having to count them out himself.
Is there a formula that I can use to exclude the first set of results in a top N sort?
Put a count in each group. When it is 20 or less, suppress that group.
It should work with a summary count for something in the group header. Failing that, you could use a variable.
if {@XS_Reply} then
NumberVar MyCount:=MyCount+1
Put that in the group header.
If you haven't done suppression before, here's the method. Right-click on the detail section and choose Format Section. Then choose the formula icon (x+2 and a pencil) for suppression. Enter a formula.
If you only have one group, and you have already applied a topN sort, then you go to the section expert->group header/footer (wherever your topN summary is)->suppress->x+2 and enter:
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