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Exchange backup problem

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Oct 25, 2001
Hi.. I changed the domain password, and now arcserve cannot login. THis is my setup. I have arcserve running on my database server to bakcup my sql. THe tape backup is on the sql server. I setup arcserve exchange on our exchange server, but now I can't even log into it. I put the right password in and it gives me the error "cannot initialize MAPI".. any information would be greatly appreciated.


Rerun the Exchange agent configuration, check if authentication turns out OK.


Hi.. I just tried that, and after it authenticates my username and password, it gives me a "Authentication Failure:Failure to initialize MAPI --- check the C:\Exchverify.log for detail.

SInce i changed the domain password, how do i change the access for MAPI? it's probably still using that old domain password.


What is the exact error message you come across, when running the Exchange Agent Configuration.

Check the Exchverify.log and look for any MAPI error messages. Look for MAPI number which will look like 8000XXXX. This will give a better picture of what is going on.

This is what is in the LOG....

<EXCH-VERIFY>: Exchange Server Name from Registry is[LAFNY04S]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenSCManager() successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenService() failed : errCode[1060] - errMsg[The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x424)]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: ExchRemoveService() failed: return[4]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchVerify() Calling ExchInstallService() to install the verification service
<EXCH-VERIFY>: servicePath = &quot;C:\Program Files\DBAXCHG\VService.exe&quot;
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenSCManager() successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: CreateService() [Exchange Agent Setup Verification Service] successfully installed
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchInstallService() successfully finished
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenSCManager() successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenService() [ExchVerification] successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Service start pending
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: OpenToken() OpenProcessToken Failed-5
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchSetAllPrivilege() return error code[0]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Trying to start Service now ......
<EXCH-VERIFY>: CreateEvent() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: CreateNamedPipe() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchStartService() successfully finished
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchAuthenticate() Begin --------------------------
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchAuthenticate() called with NTServerName:[LAFNY04S] NTDomainName[lafayette148] adminMailbox:[administrator] adminLoginName:[administrator]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Calling ExchCreateProfile() to create the Profile[EXCH_AUTHENTICATE_PROFILE5831064521575]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: The Windows NT system directory of the local server is:[C:\WINNT\System32]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: GetFileVersionInfoSize() for [C:\WINNT\System32\MAPI32.DLL] successful: return Size[1638]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: VerQueryValue() return version [5:5:2653:12]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Doing LogonUser() and Impersonate
<EXCH-VERIFY>: LogonUser() successful to Domain[lafayette148] as userName[administrator]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: OpenToken() OpenProcess Failed-5
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchSetAllPrivilege() return error code[0]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: MAPIInitialize() return [80040605]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchCreateProfile() return [22]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Return back from impersonation
<EXCH-VERIFY>: RevertToSelf() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: CloseHandle() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: ExchCreateProfile() profile[EXCH_AUTHENTICATE_PROFILE5831064521575] return [22]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ERROR: ExchAuthenticate() return[22]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: CallNamedPipeA() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ---> Authentication result: [Authentication Failure: Fail to Initialize MAPI --- Check the [c:\ExchVerify.log ] for detail]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchPerformVerification() return[4]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenSCManager() successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: OpenService() [ExchVerification] successful with all ACCESS
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchServiceControl() called with ControlCode[1]
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Service is started.
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ControlService() Stopping service [Exchange Agent Setup Verification Service]......
<EXCH-VERIFY>: StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() successful
<EXCH-VERIFY>: Service [Exchange Agent Setup Verification Service] stopped
<EXCH-VERIFY>: DeleteService() [Exchange Agent Setup Verification Service] removed
<EXCH-VERIFY>: ExchRemoveService() successfully finished
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