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Exchange 5.5 Can't send e-mail to 1 domain.

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Aug 12, 2002
Here is the deal. I have 1 domain I am unable to send any e-mail to. I have checked with the local help at that domain and they are telling me the problem is on my end. The messages hang in my exchange que as host unreachable. I can trace route to the mail server, I can do both a forward and reverse DNS lookup. I can telnet to the server address on p25 and do the Mail From: and RCPT TO: commands to my work addresses as well as my home accounts.

The odd message I do get is the following while telneted to there server and trying to send to an internal address is.
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)

Maybe I am approaching this all wrong but I need some help.

Thanks in advance.

I was. I have been removed for 3 days now.
When you perform an NSLOOKUP (assuming you are), are you looking for MX records? To do this, type the following commands from a command prompt:

set type=MX
hostname (ex. microsoft.com)

This will tell you if you are able to resolve the mail record for their mail server.
You may want to check again with that domain to see if they run a mailserver on RedHat.
See [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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I have done the NSlookup for the MX records. I have also used a Unix box and done a DIG command on both of our DNS servers as well as all 3 of their DNS servers.
And? Result? [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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Results on the DIG show that there are the correct MX records on all 5 DNS servers, my 2 and their 3. I am able to telnet into their server and they are able to telnet into my server. I believe I also mentioned that we can tracert to each others mail server.
ok, that's all fine then, but that is standard stuff, so it is most likely a 'non-standard' issue.
Did you check withe them about the Redhat or Squirrelmail thingie? [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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I will check on the Squirl mail. At this point I am trying to get past first level tech support to the people that actuall handle and manage the servers. If that ever takes place I will be in better shape. If people would like I can keep everyone posted. I appreciate the help.

General access denied, sender access denied - the sender of the message does not have the privileges necessary to complete delivery.
You are trying to relay your mail via another SMTP server and it does not permit you to relay.
The recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled. For example, a recipient's mailbox delivery restriction was sent to receive from a Distribution List only and non-member's email will be rejected with this error.

It also may be a corrupt message. Delete it from outbound and try resending it.

The messages hang in my exchange que as host unreachable

Are you relaying through your isp or another mail server?
eightball, it works for other domains, just 1 doesn't.
What you say about recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled is true, but THEY told him it is on jis end, and that is all we can go by.
I still believe it is on their side though, why els would only 1 domain give problems.
You can also generate this with Telnet. If you POP3 to an SMTP port it gives the same error.
[sub]If the answer is here, Mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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Yes I belive your right marks31. I see your previous post on redhat, and this sounds like it might be a redhat mail server. I to agree it must be on their end.
Are you running mimesweeper at your end?
Are they running Firewall-1 at their end?
Rookcr, we had the same problem and error on a clients Exch Svr that we didn't setup. The domain that they couldn't send to was dell.com, MS solution was to nuke their Exch Svr and reload it. The N&R solution worked and solved their problem. MS says it a conf. issue but they don't know where to fix it. We run RH 7.3 and 8.0 Sendmail servers with a Squirrelmail interface. Squirrelmail is not a mail Svr, it just a .php based web interface. So if N&R doesn't work or before you try it ask what they are using for their MTA. If you stick with the search for the config issue and find it please post-it, it would save alot of time. Also you said that you were Blackholed, tell them to clear the BH cache. Ours only clears and rebuilds every 30 days.
I have had a similar problem, the problem lay in that the problem domains server was doing a reverse name lookup, our local mail servers hostname was not resolvable using DNS. This was not a problem for 99% of the domains we send mail to. Check your mail server hostname matches the MX record A record and not just the IP address.
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