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Exchange 2003 Installation Errors after running forestprep

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Technical User
Apr 11, 2003
I have 2 Windows 2000 AD domain server with sp4 and 1 Exchange 5.5 sp4 running on a Windows 2000 member server. I've setup a new Windows 2003 server which I plan to install Exchange 2003. I will be doing a internal migration using the Exchange 2003 deployment tool. So far I've done the following:

1. Verified Windows 2000 SP3 or higher - ok
2. Verified that NNTP, SMTP, - ok
3. Change LDAP port on Exchange 5.5 to 1389 - ok
4. DSScopeScan - Verified Exchange 5.5 connection - ran Successfully
5. NetDiag - no errors and ran successfully
6. DCDiag - no errors and ran successfully
7. Forestprep - Performed operation on domain and getting following errors;

[11:18:33] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
[11:18:33] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.0.2195.Service Pack 4 at 11:18:33 04/22/2004
[11:18:33] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
[11:18:33] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
[11:18:33] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
[11:18:33] ScGetClusterSvcDir (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
[11:18:33] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)

Any Suggestion what this could be?
Oops wrong error code:

[11:18:48] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
[11:18:48] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server.

[11:18:48] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
[11:18:48] ScGetExistingOrgName (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server.
[11:18:48] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to org/AG level

11:18:49] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[11:18:49] Exchange organization container not found
[11:18:49] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)

[11:19:18] The Domain Servers group does not have READ permissions on the Exchange container
[11:19:18] ScGetExistingOrgName (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server.
[11:19:18] The required permissions have not already been set
You didn't already have an org object, so it's creating one. At 11:19 it looks like it's testing for the Exchange domain servers group.

The exchange server setup log file is huge. Here's the last section.

[13:49:26] Beginning update of the Active Directory schema.
[13:49:26] Updating the Active Directory schema - file 1 of 10. This may take several minutes.
[13:49:26] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
[13:49:26] About to create the dob for object /dc=com/dc=alfredpub/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt
[13:49:26] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
[13:49:27] ScRunLDIFScript (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:27] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:27] CAtomSchema::ScAddDSObjects (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\root\a_schema.cxx:254)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:27] Leaving CAtomSchema::ScAddDSObjects
[13:49:27] CAtomSchema::ScAdd (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\root\a_schema.cxx:150)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:27] Leaving CAtomSchema::ScAdd
[13:49:27] mode = 'ForestPrep' (61965) CBaseAtom::ScSetup (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:842)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:48] >>>>>>>>>> Setup encountered a fatal error during Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation of ForestPrep component task. -- ID:62237 -- CBaseComponent::ScSetup (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\forprep\compforprep.cxx:513)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:48] Entering CBaseComponent::SetSubtreeComponentsToFailWithErrorInSetup
[13:49:48] Leaving CBaseComponent::SetSubtreeComponentsToFailWithErrorInSetup
[13:49:48] CCompForestPrep::ScSetup (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\forprep\compforprep.cxx:613)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:48] Leaving CCompForestPrep::ScSetup
[13:49:48] CComExchSetupComponent::Install (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\comboifaces.cxx:829)
Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your TEMP directory.
[13:49:48] Entering ScQueueWatsonErrorReport
[13:49:48] Leaving ScQueueWatsonErrorReport
[13:49:49] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[13:49:49] Exchange organization container not found
[13:49:49] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
The operation has completed successfully.
[13:49:49] This forest is not ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[13:49:49] Exchange organization container not found
[13:49:49] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
The operation has completed successfully.
[13:49:49] This forest is not ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[13:49:49] Exchange organization container not found
[13:49:49] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
The operation has completed successfully.
[13:49:49] This forest is not ForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
[13:49:49] Entering CCompRoot::ScPostSetup
[13:49:49] Leaving CCompRoot::ScPostSetup
[13:49:52] CComBOIFacesFactory::QueryInterface (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\bofactory.cxx:54)
Error code 0X80004002 (16386): No interface.
The section at 13:49:27 is the critical piece. The schema extention failed. You'll need to look in ldif.err to find out why. Was the account you installed with a member of schema admins?

here's my ldif.err message:

The server side error is "Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists."
An error has occurred in the program
After further investigation, it looks like Windows 2000 AD schema was previously extended with a prior install of Exchange 2003. The previous w2k admin left the company and no one had the admin password to the new exchange 2003 server. We had to reinstall Windows 2k3 (member server) and Exchange 2k3 (still trying). I also looked at the domain and saw all the schema attributes for exchange. The ldif.err file tells you that the attribute already exist which is why forestprep fails on the e2k3 installation. Do I need to remove all the existing exchange 2003 attributes first before rerunning foresprep or is there another way of doing this. I read somewhere that its virtually impossible to delete schema attributes in Windows 2k once there created. Is this true or is there another way around this?

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.64
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:FALSE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:TRUE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:msExchAccessControlMap
Attribute 7) name:ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
Attribute 8) oMSyntax:64
Attribute 9) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 10) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 11) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 12) searchFlags:0

1: Entry already exists, entry skipped

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-Activation-Schedule,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-Activation-Schedule
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-Activation-Schedule
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.2.213
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:FALSE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:TRUE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:activationSchedule
Attribute 7) mapiId:32837
Attribute 8) name:ms-Exch-Activation-Schedule
Attribute 9) oMSyntax:4
Attribute 10) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 11) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 12) rangeLower:84
Attribute 13) rangeUpper:84
Attribute 14) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 15) searchFlags:0

18: Entry already exists, entry skipped

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-Activation-Style,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-Activation-Style
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-Activation-Style
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.2.73
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:FALSE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:TRUE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:activationStyle
Attribute 7) mapiId:32838
Attribute 8) name:ms-Exch-Activation-Style
Attribute 9) oMSyntax:2
Attribute 10) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 11) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 12) rangeLower:0
Attribute 13) rangeUpper:3
Attribute 14) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 15) searchFlags:0

38: Entry already exists, entry skipped

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-ADC-Global-Names,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-ADC-Global-Names
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-ADC-Global-Names
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.63
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:TRUE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:FALSE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:msExchADCGlobalNames
Attribute 7) name:ms-Exch-ADC-Global-Names
Attribute 8) oMSyntax:64
Attribute 9) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 10) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 11) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 12) searchFlags:1

58: Entry already exists, entry skipped

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-ADC-Options,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-ADC-Options
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-ADC-Options
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.41
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:FALSE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:TRUE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:msExchADCOptions
Attribute 7) name:ms-Exch-ADC-Options
Attribute 8) oMSyntax:2
Attribute 9) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 10) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 11) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 12) searchFlags:0

75: Entry already exists, entry skipped

Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-Additional-DN-Map,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
change: add
Attribute 0) adminDescription:ms-Exch-Additional-DN-Map
Attribute 1) adminDisplayName:ms-Exch-Additional-DN-Map
Attribute 2) attributeID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.42
Attribute 3) attributeSyntax:
Attribute 4) isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet:FALSE
Attribute 5) isSingleValued:FALSE
Attribute 6) lDAPDisplayName:msExchAdditionalDNMap
Attribute 7) name:ms-Exch-Additional-DN-Map
Attribute 8) oMSyntax:64
Attribute 9) objectCategory:CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xyz,DC=com
Attribute 10) objectClass:attributeSchema
Attribute 11) schemaIdGuid: UNPRINTABLE BINARY(16)
Attribute 12) searchFlags:0

Add error on line 2273: Unwilling To Perform
The server side error is "Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists."
An error has occurred in the program
Finally figured this out. We were running Cognos Impromptu which also take advantage of Active Directory. Cognos was conflicting with my Exchange forestprep setup. We removed Cognos from AD and forestprep worked!!!
Does Congnos extend the schema, or just link existing attributes?

I know this post is from May but....just to clarify, Cognos does not extend AD Schema? Because I know the app has a schema of its own
Hey wazzup! Read your problem with Cognos and I realize I am having the exact same error.
How did you uninstall the cognos from AD?
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