All of a sudden, our SQL server is taking about 1,000,000 for executing a ridiculous simple query.
The query used to take only 100 lock or so, and without changing anything, it behaves like that.
We perform a mixture of select, update and insert transactions.
First, performance is great, but it decays rapidly. At the same time, the lock table increases all the time.
Putting traces on it, we see that 99% of the time, SQL Server is just aqcuiring/releasing locks (we do not know where they come from, it's not our application ;-), with sometimes a transaction getting executed (normal response time).
Why is the SQL server just acquiring and releasing locks for no appearent reason ??
System is a 4 CPU, 4Gb RAM / SQL Server 2000 SP4
All of a sudden, our SQL server is taking about 1,000,000 for executing a ridiculous simple query.
The query used to take only 100 lock or so, and without changing anything, it behaves like that.
We perform a mixture of select, update and insert transactions.
First, performance is great, but it decays rapidly. At the same time, the lock table increases all the time.
Putting traces on it, we see that 99% of the time, SQL Server is just aqcuiring/releasing locks (we do not know where they come from, it's not our application ;-), with sometimes a transaction getting executed (normal response time).
Why is the SQL server just acquiring and releasing locks for no appearent reason ??
System is a 4 CPU, 4Gb RAM / SQL Server 2000 SP4