Hello, In Excel 2002 SP3 I have split the screen vertically. I would like to scroll one side without scrolling the other. Is this possible? I do not want freeze pane as it does not give the desired effect.
At the bottom of the screen, you should see that each of the two sides has its own horizontal scroll bar. Use either of these to scroll the corresponding section.
[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]
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Yes, you can do that in a single sheet, just create a new Window for the sheet ... menu command Window/New Window, and then compare side by side ( menu command Windows/Compare Side By Side With ), and click the Synchronous Scrolling button ( there'll be a new toolbar appear with Side By Side controls ) to toggle synchronous scrolling on and off.
Cheers, Glenn.
Did you hear about the literalist show-jumper? He broke his nose jumping against the clock.
djj - might I suggest you reward a STAR to Glenn's answer? That is not only the customary way to show thanks on TT, but also marks the thread as containing useful information for future visitors.
You can do this by click on the
[tab] Thank GlennUK
[tab]for this valuable post!
link at the bottom left of his post.
[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]
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I don't mean to pressure you. And I don't mean to suggest that it isn't appreciated when you take time to post back and say "thanks" - it definitely is. Doing that shows good manners on your part (IMO).
I'll offer my personal guideline for awarding stars in case you might find it helpful. If a post answers the question asked or provides useful information that others might also benefit from, I'll give it a star.
This thread is a good example: Two answers were given. My suggestion would certainly work, but is overly-complex compared to Glenn's reply. So (IMO) Glenn should get the star.
And keep in mind that you can award multiple stars within a single thread, so you don't always have to choose just one reply to 'star'. Again, using this thread as an example, one suggestion was clearly better than the other. So in this case I would just give Glenn a star and not me. But there are occasions when multiple equally-good answers are offered. In those cases you might consider marking more than one post with a star.
(Note: Please do not give me a star in this particular thread. I certainly don't want anyone thinking that I'm soliciting them.)
[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]
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