Hi again -
well just when I thought it was safe to deploy...
I made another copy of my excel project, without changing the code, because i need to use another array on my first sheet, and now I get a runtime error, "copy of sheets failed". It's in red where this happens below. To make it even more fun, it creates 2 "invisible" new excel workbooks that I can't close without using task manager.
When I get the error and select debug, that's where the trouble begins. The above red item is highlighted - even though this works perfectly in the original spreadsheet. And it works fine for the first few items in the array.
Once this error has happened, I go back to the main excel window, and if I go to the Window menu item, I will see the sheet I'm working on,(Rdist1.xlt) and "Book 1".
If I select "Book 1" from the Window menu, it simply tiles Rdist1.xlt with empty space. Clicking on either Rdist1.xlt or on the empty space only maximizes Rdist1.xlt. I cannot get rid of the ghost of Book1 unless I end task.
Then, when I end task, I find that there is not just one ghost, but two. The one in the window menu, and another that only shows up when ending task asks if I want to save changes to Book2.
You can imagine what fun troubleshooting this has become...
Anyone have any insight for me? Thanks very much, and have a good weekend.
well just when I thought it was safe to deploy...
I made another copy of my excel project, without changing the code, because i need to use another array on my first sheet, and now I get a runtime error, "copy of sheets failed". It's in red where this happens below. To make it even more fun, it creates 2 "invisible" new excel workbooks that I can't close without using task manager.
Private Sub CmdRunSpreadsheet_Click()
' To create monthly budget distribution automatically
'Check for login to spreadsheet server
If MsgBox("Are you logged in to Spreadsheet Server?", vbYesNo, "Login") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
'1. Get values from DistList sheet to creat individual Monthly Budget Reports
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Sheets("DistList").Range(Sheets("DistList").[A1], Sheets("DistList").[A1].End(xlDown))
sDept = r.Value
nVal1 = r.Offset(0, 1).Value
nVal2 = r.Offset(0, 2).Value
'nVal3 = r.Offset(0, 3).Value
'BudgetStatus is where the processing occurs
With Sheets("BudgetStatus")
sName = UCase(Format(DateSerial(.[G2], .[G4], 1), "mmmyy") & Left(sDept, 3)) & nVal2
.Cells(6, "G").Value = nVal1
.Cells(7, "G").Value = nVal2
'.Cells(11, "G").Value = nVal3
End With
'2. Unhide GXE sheet - must be unhidden for detail reports to expand correctly
Sheets("GXE Source").Visible = True
'3. calculate
'4. Generate Detail Reports
Application.Run ("ExpandDetailReports")
'5. Hide button, worksheets, and all extraneous rows on main worksheet
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
cmdRunSpreadsheet.Visible = False
'don't need to hide these, they're not copied over anyway.
'Sheets("GXE Source").Visible = False
'Sheets("DistList").Visible = False
'6. Copy sheets to new workbook
Sheets(Array("BudgetStatus", "BudgetStatus with Commitments", "Trend", _
"Detailed Report", "JE Detail")).Copy
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
With wbNew
'below line works
.Sheets("JE Detail").Columns("D:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Sheets("JE Detail").Columns("H:L").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Sheets("JE Detail").Columns("N:Q").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Sheets("JE Detail").Columns("V:Z").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Sheets("JE Detail").Columns("AA:AF").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End With
'7. Replace formulas with values in new workbook
For Each ws In wbNew.Worksheets
ws.Cells.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
'8. save and close new workbook
With wbNew
.SaveAs "I:\SpreadsheetServer\Month End Reports" & "\" & sName & ".xls"
End With
End If
'Lastly, unhide everything on the template so it's ready to use next time.
cmdRunSpreadsheet.Visible = True
Sheets("GXE Source").Visible = True
Sheets("DistList").Visible = True
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End Sub
When I get the error and select debug, that's where the trouble begins. The above red item is highlighted - even though this works perfectly in the original spreadsheet. And it works fine for the first few items in the array.
Once this error has happened, I go back to the main excel window, and if I go to the Window menu item, I will see the sheet I'm working on,(Rdist1.xlt) and "Book 1".
If I select "Book 1" from the Window menu, it simply tiles Rdist1.xlt with empty space. Clicking on either Rdist1.xlt or on the empty space only maximizes Rdist1.xlt. I cannot get rid of the ghost of Book1 unless I end task.
Then, when I end task, I find that there is not just one ghost, but two. The one in the window menu, and another that only shows up when ending task asks if I want to save changes to Book2.
You can imagine what fun troubleshooting this has become...
Anyone have any insight for me? Thanks very much, and have a good weekend.