This is a repost of my previous code. My apologies if things were unclear. I have used the indenting tool as well as cleaned things up and commented more extensively as to what I am trying to accomplish.
I am running into the occasional sub-scripting error with this. I am not sure if this is because I am trying to do something that the collection can't really do very well.
Maybe it would be better for me to use another array to process the values instead of a collection.
My primary problem is that when I paste the values into my spreadsheet from the array I get blanks where I have zero values, and seeing as I need to assess numbers and multiply them in certain cases anyway, I thought I could take care of two problems at the same time.
Take a look at the revised code sample below for more details.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, ideas, etc.
Access/SQL/XML Developer
Ottawa, Canada
This is a repost of my previous code. My apologies if things were unclear. I have used the indenting tool as well as cleaned things up and commented more extensively as to what I am trying to accomplish.
I am running into the occasional sub-scripting error with this. I am not sure if this is because I am trying to do something that the collection can't really do very well.
Maybe it would be better for me to use another array to process the values instead of a collection.
My primary problem is that when I paste the values into my spreadsheet from the array I get blanks where I have zero values, and seeing as I need to assess numbers and multiply them in certain cases anyway, I thought I could take care of two problems at the same time.
Take a look at the revised code sample below for more details.
Sub ProcessRangeCells()
Dim n As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim dest_cells() As Variant
Dim pasteVal As Variant
Dim resultList As Collection
' rlCount not used but could be with resultList.Count
Dim rlCount As Integer
Dim cellInRange As Range
Dim dataRangeChk As Variant
Dim dataRowChk As Variant
' Step A. Setup Cell Array/Range to be Copied/Processed
' dest_cells() = Array of fixed points on my
' spreadsheet where I wish to paste copied
' cell range values to
dest_cells() = Array("D11:E11", "D13:E13", "D14:E14", "D16:E16", "D19:E19", "D25:E25")
' Internal processing of cells to be copied into
' rangeToCopy, which acts as source range of data cells
Dim beginRangeCell As Range
Set beginRangeCell = Worksheets(1).Cells(intmaxrow + 2, intmaxcolumn - 2)
Dim endRangeCell As Range
Set endRangeCell = Worksheets(1).Cells(intmaxrow + 2, intmaxcolumn)
Dim rangeToCopy As Range
Set rangeToCopy = Worksheets(1).Range(beginRangeCell, endRangeCell)
' Get a count of the dest_cells array
int_cellcount = Application.CountA(dest_cells)
' Step B. Process the Cell Range and add to a
' separate/parallel Collection of Values
' The idea of this is to do the following:
' B1. Iterate through ALL cells in the range, one at
' a time, and assess each numeric value so that it
' is retained or changed, and copied into a new
' separate collection that can be copied into the
' cell address locations contained in dest_cells().
' B2. I've also included some code that checks the
' comparable destination array value and isolates it
' so that I check the destination row value.
' I am accomplishing this by measuring the length
' of the cell address string:
' B2a) The cell address string is always a two value
' range index and does not go beyond column Z,
' B2b) I then use the RIGHT function to capture the
' last 1-3 digits to get the row value.
' The rows are fixed and never go beyond 3 digits.
' B3. I then get the value of the cell from the
' captured/copied range above in Step A.
' If the value of the cell is blank, or zero, ensure
' that the value remains set at zero.
' If the value of the cell is less than zero,
' multiply by -1.
' If the value is greater than zero, then retain
' the value and leave as-is.
For Each cellInRange In rangeToCopy.Cells
cellValue = cellInRange.Value
' Check if the cell has a number
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(cellValue) Then
' Test row value for cell checking via
' dataRowChk (below)
dataRangeChk = dest_cells(cellInRange).Value
Select Case Len(dataRangeChk)
' Captures dest_cells() sheet Row value
Case 5 ' 1 digit
dataRowChk = Right(dest_cells(cellInRange), 1)
Case 7 ' 2 digits
dataRowChk = Right(dest_cells(cellInRange), 2)
Case 9 ' 3 digits
dataRowChk = Right(dest_cells(cellInRange), 3)
End Select
Select Case dataRowChk
' Covers fixed Sheet Rows
Case 1 - 15, 19 - 25
If cellValue < 0 Then
cellValue = cellValue * -1
resultList.Add cellValue
ElseIf cellValue > 0 Then
resultList.Add cellValue
cellValue = 0
resultList.Add cellValue
End If
Case Else
If cellValue > 0 Or cellValue < 0 Then
resultList.Add cellValue
cellValue = 0
resultList.Add cellValue
End If
End Select
End If
Next cellInRange
' Step C. Select the Destination Cells using
' dest_cells Array and Paste Values from the
' Collection created in Step B (above)
' Select Destination Cells and Iteratively Paste
For n = 1 To intcounter
' Get the list value
pasteVal = resultList(n).Value
' Select the destination cell
' Paste the value
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next n
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, ideas, etc.
Access/SQL/XML Developer
Ottawa, Canada