I have my column formatted as [hh]:mm:ss and all is great if I enter a time as 01:55:22 which is the amount of time it took me to do the activity. So I want users to be able to enter 45:01 for 45 minutes and 1 second. I dont want them to have to enter 00:45:01. If the leading zeros and colon are not entered, the column is converted to 45 hours, not minutes.
So what I'm trying to do is automatically pad the 00: to the cell if no hours are entered. I guess if the LEN of the column is < 5. Not really sure on the correct solution here.
So what I'm trying to do is automatically pad the 00: to the cell if no hours are entered. I guess if the LEN of the column is < 5. Not really sure on the correct solution here.