I have 2 XL files: one with Data (call it A), another that uses it (call it B).
File A is named ^rut.csv and has one sheet named ^rut. It is open when B is opened.
A is a table of data where DATE in the first column is LOOKed UP.
The following works:
In B, Cell R3C4 defines the A filename and range where the VLOOKUP is going to use:
Cell R3C4:
In B, Column 3 is the date which is going to be looked up in A where Date is in Column 1.
The following cell contents works just fine:
It matches the Date in A and retrieves the data in Column 2.
The problem is that I want to make the A reference variable rather than fixed to 6163 records.
Further, I want R3C4: '^rut' only which is the "meaningful" portion of the original R3C4. (^rut is a stock symbol so there is nothing more clear than just having the stock symbol in the cell.)
First, I tried to get rid of the 6163 using COUNT()but failed. Trying so many combinations of ' ' and " " and '^rut.csv' OR '[^rut.csv]^rut'
While the following does work:
The following do not work:
The farthest I got was the following at the cost of a lot of time: (where the named cell test1 contains ^rut )
So basically I'm half there as far as the simple ^rut in the cell, however, I have not been able to figure out how to do the COUNT().
Any help would be truly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
File A is named ^rut.csv and has one sheet named ^rut. It is open when B is opened.
A is a table of data where DATE in the first column is LOOKed UP.
The following works:
In B, Cell R3C4 defines the A filename and range where the VLOOKUP is going to use:
Cell R3C4:
In B, Column 3 is the date which is going to be looked up in A where Date is in Column 1.
The following cell contents works just fine:
It matches the Date in A and retrieves the data in Column 2.
The problem is that I want to make the A reference variable rather than fixed to 6163 records.
Further, I want R3C4: '^rut' only which is the "meaningful" portion of the original R3C4. (^rut is a stock symbol so there is nothing more clear than just having the stock symbol in the cell.)
First, I tried to get rid of the 6163 using COUNT()but failed. Trying so many combinations of ' ' and " " and '^rut.csv' OR '[^rut.csv]^rut'
While the following does work:
The following do not work:
The farthest I got was the following at the cost of a lot of time: (where the named cell test1 contains ^rut )
So basically I'm half there as far as the simple ^rut in the cell, however, I have not been able to figure out how to do the COUNT().
Any help would be truly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!