Hi All,
I think that this is a simple problem but just cant see the answer...
I am generating code within a worksheet (index) that produces hyperlinks to other cells in another worksheet (Questions) that are in the same workbook.
I have generated the code below, but when the hyperlink is clicked nothing happens!
I hover over the hyperlink and get the addres file:///filepath-filename-$x$xx
- I dont get the worksheet reference shown in the hyperlink??
I think that it is an issues with the Address property as it returns the cells in string format but I really am unsure about this!
strLink = Worksheets("Questions").Cells(ValRow, 4)
Worksheets("Index").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(ValRowCount, 3), Address:="", _
SubAddress:=Worksheets("Questions").Cells(ValRowCount, 3).Address, TextToDisplay:=strLink
Help Please !!!
I think that this is a simple problem but just cant see the answer...
I am generating code within a worksheet (index) that produces hyperlinks to other cells in another worksheet (Questions) that are in the same workbook.
I have generated the code below, but when the hyperlink is clicked nothing happens!
I hover over the hyperlink and get the addres file:///filepath-filename-$x$xx
- I dont get the worksheet reference shown in the hyperlink??
I think that it is an issues with the Address property as it returns the cells in string format but I really am unsure about this!
strLink = Worksheets("Questions").Cells(ValRow, 4)
Worksheets("Index").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(ValRowCount, 3), Address:="", _
SubAddress:=Worksheets("Questions").Cells(ValRowCount, 3).Address, TextToDisplay:=strLink
Help Please !!!