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Excel formula to transfer date to another tab? 2

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Nov 21, 2003
I have an Excel spread sheet with multiply tabs that I would like to have all the same dates on. I'm looking for a formula that when I enter a date on the first tab it will change the dates on all the other tabs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
sDate = activesheet.name
for each ws in worksheets
  with ws
    if .name <> sDate then
      .name = .name & sDate
    end if
  end with
this assumes that the activesheet has ONLY the DATE and all other sheets have DATE appended


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you can also link the date to 1 cell.

if cell A1 is 12/13/2003

then in cell b1 = a1.

All you need to do is change the date in cell a1 and all the other cells will change too.
I know how to get the date from one cell to another cell within the same tab, my problem is getting it from one cell on one tab to another cell on another tab. It looks like the formula that SkipVought sent will work if I knew where to start writing a formula in Excel. I'm not a programmer so I don't know, so can you point me in the direction to do this in Excel...Thanks
for other worksheets include the name of the worksheet that has the actual date.


if worksheet1 has the actual date in cell A1


worksheet2 cell A1 should have =Sheet1!A1

worksheet3 cell B1 =Sheet1!A1

Thank you so much kphu.

You have saved me a lot of time and hair loss. It wasn't working because I had a space between first name and last name.

i.e. =john doe!a1

but when I put a single quote around the name

='john doe'!a1

it worked, but I would have never got to that point with out your help.

Thanks again kphu.

consider this as an xmas bonus. hahaha

merry xmas

oh by the way....we work for stars around here. So if some one post a helpful answer then give them a star.

The question that you asked was NOT answered.

Each Worksheet has a Tab with the sheet name. When you refer to a TAB it is a PARTICULAR part of a Worksheetmwith the Worksheet Name.

You wanted something on each WORKSHEET it seems or you wanted to reference cells or something???


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I may have made it seem more difficult then it real was, I have one Excel file with multiple tabs(worksheets) with sheet names on them. I wanted to transfer the date from the first sheet to all the other sheets, so I wouldn't have to type the date on each sheet. I don't know much code so I was looking for the simple answer and kphu provided it and it did the job. I'm sure your code would have helped me also under a different situation or maybe the same situation, but kphu's was fast and easy and it worked.

I just answered YOUR QUESTION...

&quot;I'm looking for a formula that when I enter a date on the first tab it will change the dates on all the other tabs.&quot; emphasis added

Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884

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