Need help getting running totals in column E based on EmployeeID and Relation (E= Employee, S= Spouse, C= Children).
Sample data definition:
Column A = EmployeeID is ID of Employee
Column B = InsuredID is ID of Insured (Employee, Spouse, Children)
Column C = Relation is relationship of insured to employee (E= Employee, S= Spouse, C= Children)
Column D = Premium is amount of premium
Column E = Total is sub totals for each: employee, spouse, children
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
EmployeeID InsuredID Relation Premium Total
123456789 123456789 E 20.50
123456789 123456789 E 28.00 48.50
123456789 239874561 S 34.70
123456789 239874561 S 30.00 64.70
123456789 323456781 C 6.50
123456789 323456782 C 6.50
123456789 323456783 C 7.00
123456789 323456784 C 7.00 27.00
987654320 987654321 C 7.75
987654320 987654322 C 6.50 14.25
For example, EmployeeID = 123456789 has two 'E' premiums ($20.50 and $28.00), two 'S' premiums ($34.70 and $30.00) and four 'C' premiums ($6.50, $6.50,$7.00, $7.00).
Also, in cases where there are children but no employee, as in EmployeeID= 987654320, still do sub total and flag as exception, possibly format as color red.
I came across some examples using VLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT but was unable to apply them to this scenario.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Sample data definition:
Column A = EmployeeID is ID of Employee
Column B = InsuredID is ID of Insured (Employee, Spouse, Children)
Column C = Relation is relationship of insured to employee (E= Employee, S= Spouse, C= Children)
Column D = Premium is amount of premium
Column E = Total is sub totals for each: employee, spouse, children
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
EmployeeID InsuredID Relation Premium Total
123456789 123456789 E 20.50
123456789 123456789 E 28.00 48.50
123456789 239874561 S 34.70
123456789 239874561 S 30.00 64.70
123456789 323456781 C 6.50
123456789 323456782 C 6.50
123456789 323456783 C 7.00
123456789 323456784 C 7.00 27.00
987654320 987654321 C 7.75
987654320 987654322 C 6.50 14.25
For example, EmployeeID = 123456789 has two 'E' premiums ($20.50 and $28.00), two 'S' premiums ($34.70 and $30.00) and four 'C' premiums ($6.50, $6.50,$7.00, $7.00).
Also, in cases where there are children but no employee, as in EmployeeID= 987654320, still do sub total and flag as exception, possibly format as color red.
I came across some examples using VLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT but was unable to apply them to this scenario.
Any help is greatly appreciated!