I am working on a sales reporting tool that allows users to query a SQL db, then shows them results in a .NET front end. It also allows them to download to an Excel sheet complete with Pivot Table for analysis. I have a stored proc that copies a template file, makes a new version of it and inserts the results of their query. The sheet has an auto refresh of the pivot table. Here is the problem - I have about 5 columns that are numeric, and I have formatted the template excel sheet accordingly, however, when the insert occurs, they are not completely numbers, therefore the pivot table shows inaccurate data.
Is there another way to force the data to be numeric?
p.s. If you highlight a cell in those columns, and click in the formula bar, then click out, it changes to a number and right aligns itself. (all other fields are left aligned, even though they are numbers)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Is there another way to force the data to be numeric?
p.s. If you highlight a cell in those columns, and click in the formula bar, then click out, it changes to a number and right aligns itself. (all other fields are left aligned, even though they are numbers)
Thanks in advance for any help.