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Excel - charting data with multiple series 1

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Jun 14, 2002
I have a data set in this format:

Temp Pressure
Mass=115 2.2 897
4.1 752
6.3 631
8.5 555

Mass=125 1.3 999
4.6 888
8.9 777
9.6 600

Mass=130 3.6 987
4.5 876
6.9 654
8.0 555

and so on...

Using an XY Scatter Graph, I want to plot Temp vs.
Pressure for each data series. I want the labels in the
left column to show up in the legend. Any suggestions on
how to select the data?

[cat2] *Suzanne* [elephant2]
[wavey] [wiggle]
This looks like a job for ------ Mr. Pivot Table. Look up info under help on how to create pivot tables in Excel. It might be just what you need.
Hi Suzanne

I've e-mailed a possible solution to you separately, because we don't have the capability to post worksheets here at Tek-Tips, and an example speaks much better than reams of text!

Have a butcher's and post back here if it helps. Or even if it's garbage, for that matter!! [wink]


Varium et mutabile semper Excel
Hi Suzanne,

this is fairly easy. First select the block of figures:
2.2 897
4.1 752
6.3 631
8.5 555
and click the chart wizard, choose X-Y Scatter and press the Finish button. This had created an X-Y chart with a single series.

Activate the chart, and select the series by clicking on it, and you will see a formula in the formula bar, looking something like this:
Now click the mousepointer between "SERIES(" and ",Sheet1" and point to the cell containing the series title you want for this series, and press ENTER.

Now add the other series, first select the next block of numbers
1.3 999
4.6 888
8.9 777
9.6 600
and do menu command Edit/Copy ( or shortcut equivalent ).
Next activate the chart, and do menu command Edit/Paste Special and choose "New Series" for the Add New Cells As choice, and press OK. This has added a second series to the chart. Select the series, and choose a title for it in the same way as for the first series.

Now select the cells containing the final block of numbers
3.6 987
4.5 876
6.9 654
8 555
and again do menu command Edit Copy, select the chart, do Edit/Paste Special/New Series. Add the title for the series.

That it!

Cheers, Glenn.
thanx for help. It's actually for my sister so I'll have to wait and see if it helps her. relmanz2000, I have not recieved an email from you. You can try again if u want. vivasuzi@care2.com Thanx again :)

[cat2] *Suzanne* [elephant2]
[wavey] [wiggle]
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