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Excel and Bullets 3

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May 12, 2002
I was wondering if it's possible to put bullets in cells like a word document?


If not, do you know any alternatives? which still use excel?
As alwasy Much big thank you for everyone's help!
This is "weird".

I just double-checked, and can confirm that NEITHER "7" works - at least with my version of Excel - '97.

Regards, ...Dale Watson dwatson@bsi.gov.mb.ca
First, Excel does not let you use fonts like Wingdings etc easily. The only way I know of inserting special character is by using the ALT+number. And this can be done using the numeric keypad only.

With the extended character sets in 2K, you can also copy from the character map. I tried the right point triangle in Arial and it worked just fine.



The example I posted WAS based on an example file where I did NOT have any difficulty with the "Wingdings" font.

Can you elaborate ? Otherwise, I'm baffled. It worked GREAT for me.


Regards, ...Dale Watson dwatson@bsi.gov.mb.ca
xlhelp, I have definite respect for you technically, but something is wrong with this picture. Click the dropdown, click Wingdings. Just like that. As this goes, w/ 2000 versions on Win98, Dale's technique was perfectly clean. In fact, I just scraped his character and pasted in a cell w/o even using macro code, scrape-marked it, and went format/font/wingdings. (This is all over-elaborated, but Dale needs assurance that he's not high or crazy) :p

I think I have an idea on the alt business. You can achieve ascii simulation from the keyboard by pressing alt and the THREE DIGIT ascii code on the NUMPAD, even in DOS mode. Thus alt (held continuously down for all 3 digits) {numeric pad 007} gives hex 7, the beep, or Control G. If you look at Ctrl-G, whadya know, it looks like a bullet.

Nonetheless it plain won't work for me even then. Perhaps this is an O-S phenomenon...
xlh> Go to Format, Cells, Number tab
xlh> Click the Text category, then click the Custom category.
xlh> Excel will place an at sign (@) in the Type box.

xlhelp, I'm eager to try this but Number, text, and custom are 3 different choices under format/cells. AAR, when I get to custom, @ didn't appear.

Did you mean click okay after number, and after text, and then go custom?
OK, I think we are talking about separate issues here.

First, I dont' know about high, but Dale is definitely not crazy.(Sorry Dale, never could resist stuff like that)

When you try to use Wingdings and such in custom formatting, it's not pretty. There is no way to tell Excel at that particular point to use a Wingdings bullet and then use another font for the text or numbers.

Now as far as using any combinations of fonts anywhere else in Excel, sure it should work just like any other app. And with using VBA you can achieve even more.

Just as a sidebar, did you know using too many fonts slows down Excel?

Now Larry, I hope you don't have a split keyboard where the right and left ALT keys are different from each other.


Hi again, everyone,

We're sure really "flogging this one to death"...

However, Indu, I would ask you to help me out here.

You say...

"There is no way to tell Excel at that particular point to use a Wingdings bullet and then use another font for the text or numbers."

Yet I have found that doing this "manually" is NO problem.

Plus, the VBA example I posted (see way, way up, 2nd from the top) is set up to change the font ONLY for the bullet.

Actually, allow me to repeat it here...

Sub Insert_Bullet()
curcell = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Value = "l " & curcell
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Font
.Name = "Wingdings"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Size = 10
End With
End Sub

Incidentally, the letter "l" produces a SOLID Black Circle bullet, and the letter "m" produces a White Circle with a Black outline.

If anyone else could also try this routine, I would appreciate hearing back from you as well. Thanks :) ...Got to "ensure" that I'm "not losing it". (-:

Regards, ...Dale Watson dwatson@bsi.gov.mb.ca
Ditto on overflogging!

Indeed in late version(s?) you can split-format a cell. Very handy to bolden a single word. Mark the part you want formatted (e.g. boldened) alone, and do it to it.
xlh thx for the idea but alt-num combos work here. In fact, leading zeroes are not required - so alt-num9 is like hitting Tab key, etc. I just receive neither a beep, nor ^G, nor the ascii 7 bullet from alt-num7 in Excel. I can create a .bat with ECHO and ascii sevens and it beeps fine (a useful trick to signal when done).

BTW alt-num130 is handy for all, if we get busted for spending any longer on this. It's the correct symbol for a word that's not exactly "resume," ROFL!
Let's approach it differently.

Dale, are you saying that you have been able to use Wingdings in custom formatting? If so, I would like to know how, Since I am not able to do that.

That's what I have been saying. I know you guys have been talking about manual insertion, and I have no dispute with that.



Have to sign off for the day - have to go into quasi disaster recovery mode. I guess work has to come first.

For after you get back from your "quasi disaster recovery mode...

First, I'm not certain what the definition of "custom formatting" is. But, I take it to mean a general term for changing the format of cells using "Format Cells".

Next, if you were to simply format a cell with a certain font, the ENTIRE contents of the cell will be formattted with that font.

However, if you want to want to mix fonts within the one cell, then the "key" (implicit) step is to be in "Edit" mode, so you can select those characters you want to change.

The mixing of fonts is also possible with "Text Boxes".

The advantage of utilizing the Wingdings Font is that one can have MUCH more flexibility in terms of the type of bullet - i.e. round, square, diamond, star, smiley face, mailbox, scissors, mouse, etc, etc.

To view a complete display of the fonts, one can enter all the letters (upper and lower case), plus numbers, plus other misc. characters on the keyboard, and then format this range of characters with the Wingdings font.

Some users might have other similar fonts, such as:
Zapf Dingbats BT, or Webdings, where there is a greater variety. A caution (recommendation) here, though, is that you preferably should stick to fonts that you can expect other users to have on their PCs - especially if you'll potentially be sharing your file(s) with others.

Finally, for anyone who might have missed it, another option was posted on the &quot;sister posting&quot; to this one (It was accidentally posted twice)... where the suggestion was to use <Alt> 0149 to produce a bullet. (Hold down the <Alt> key while you enter “0149” on the number pad). Naturally do this “ahead of the text” and while you are in “Edit Mode”. This type of bullet is plain and simple, but if that's all you need, then it's certainly a QUICK and useful option.

Hope this provides further help, and clarification. :)
(notice I'm STILL smiling) :)

Regards, ...Dale Watson dwatson@bsi.gov.mb.ca
Agree on all counts. No dispute there.

Under Format, Cells dialog box, under the number tab, after selecting a particular category of formatting, one can apply custom formatting by clicking on the word &quot;custom&quot; in the pane. It's here that you can do some wonderful things with Excel.

Of course, in the &quot;Edit&quot; mode, there is more flexibility to utilize more fonts etc.



It's after 4pm and all is quiet on the eastern front. For a while, it got nuts around here.
WHOA!! Didn't expect this much reply, But great to have it! Thanks a lot everyone! I really appreciate all your professional replies and solutions. I tried everyones suggestions and all works fantastic! Porblem Solved! Thanks again!!

The nice thing about Tek-Tips contributors is that we all &quot;chip in&quot; to either &quot;help&quot; each other or to &quot;correct&quot; each other, as there are always many different ways to resolve problems or tasks, and no one person can possibly have a &quot;monopoly&quot; on the ONLY solution.

I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying we're all very pleased that you appreciate the help. :)

Regards, ...Dale Watson dwatson@bsi.gov.mb.ca
Glad to have helped, Learning123; Thanks for the stars, L123 and Dale!

Isn't Tek-Tips a blast?!?!!

-Bob in California
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