I am looking for help with the following formula / lookups
Sheet1 (3 cells one column blank)
If there is a match, I want the associated cell in column.
My formula
I tried what seemed obvious
Thank you in advance.
I am looking for help with the following formula / lookups
Sheet1 (3 cells one column blank)
1112 house
1114 boat
1116 car
1118 dog
11110 cat
1111 x x x 1111 is NOT on the Table
1112 x x x 1112 Found
1113 x x x 1113 is NOT on the Table
1114 x x x 1114 Found
1115 x x x 1115 is NOT on the Table
1116 x x x 1116 Found
1117 x x x 1117 is NOT on the Table
1118 x x x 1118 Found
1119 x x x 1119 is NOT on the Table
11110 x x x 11110 Found
If there is a match, I want the associated cell in column.
1111 x x x 1111 is NOT on the Table
1112 x x x 1112 house
1113 x x x 1113 is NOT on the Table
1114 x x x 1114 boat
1115 x x x 1115 is NOT on the Table
1116 x x x 1116 car
1117 x x x 1117 is NOT on the Table
1118 x x x 1118 dog
1119 x x x 1119 is NOT on the Table
11110 x x x 11110 cat
My formula
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1, Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5, 0)), A1 & " is NOT on the Table", A1 & " Found")
I tried what seemed obvious
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1, Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5, 0)), A1 & " is NOT on the Table", sheet1!$c$1)
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1, Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5, 0)), A1 & " is NOT on the Table", sheet1!$c1)
Thank you in advance.